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Forum -> Parenting our children -> Twins, Triplets, and more
1 year old twins.. SAHM… I need time for myself

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Post Sun, Sep 12 2021, 3:40 pm
Need suggestions.
I’m home with my twins all day. They take a morning nap and afternoon nap … but I need time for myself too. Even just a few hours a day.
What’s the best way to go in terms of efficiency and money wise. Hiring help etc
My apartment is small so it’s uncomfortable to have someone here for a long time.

I would love to hear what other Moms of multiples have done .
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Post Sun, Sep 12 2021, 3:41 pm
Why don’t you make nap time your me time?
My mom used to have a helper come once a week for a few hours while she went out on errands or whatever.
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Post Sun, Sep 12 2021, 3:48 pm
I definitely use the time when they re sleeping but it’s not the same. I still feel like I can’t really don anything bc they might wake up any minute…and sometimes they decide to wake up early 😄
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Post Sun, Sep 12 2021, 3:53 pm
I don’t have multiples but I do work from home and have a active baby. I have an amazing cleaning lady that comes 2-3 times a week for about 2-3 hours each time. She cleans up and watches my baby. I use the time to work and go out for an appointment if needed.
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Post Sun, Sep 12 2021, 4:24 pm
Hire a sitter to take them out for a couple of hours every now and then. Between naps or they can nap in the stroller. I'll be honest, I don't think getting a few hours a day, every day, at home alone is realistic, not if they're not in any sort of daycare. You can have someone take them out some days, or have them be at home and you go out (go sit in a cafe and have a coffee in peace and quiet!). I was at work when mine were that age but I had a sitter who would watch them and sometimes I'd stay out extra, or have her take them to the park so I could have a little bit of time home alone.
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Post Sun, Sep 12 2021, 5:25 pm
I was about to start a post, my twins are seven months. I barely manage the basics. I have older kids and life is so hectic. Each week I believe that next week will be a better week and I will cope, well I am still in denial that two is like one.🙂
My laundry just doesn't get packed away, it's really hard. Bh my house gets cleaned and I manage supper but no time for extras.
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Post Sun, Sep 12 2021, 5:34 pm
I have 9 yr old triplets. I used to have some1 come to my house every day for 2-3 hrs. Used those hrs for myself. Went to gym, shopping, sleep or whatever I needed. It was a must for me to stay sane 😃. I had 3 diff women. one came once a week and the other 2 came twice a week. I also had girls come to my house every afternoon for 2 hrs. (Volunteers)
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Post Sun, Sep 12 2021, 7:49 pm
I sent my twins to a babysitter @ first twice a week and then switched to Mon - Thurs. This was how I stayed sane. Even if you're a SAHM you still need a breather and some me time.

The best advice I got in regards to having twins was to take the most help possible and that me time is very important.

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Post Mon, Oct 04 2021, 2:16 pm
I get you OP. I have 14 month old twins and dont have time to take care of anything extra, shop for myself or kids, organize the house, order things for the house that are needed..1 day I guess when theyre in playgroup next year iyh.
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Post Mon, Oct 04 2021, 2:23 pm
For me there's no bigger pleasure than being HOME ALONE!
Hire a high school girl to take them for a one hr walk after skl or to the park with a friend. 2 girls together is prob better than one.
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Post Mon, Oct 04 2021, 2:40 pm
I don't want to sound harsh, but 'just' a few hours a day to yourself seems like a lot to ask, IMO. Especially with such young babies. Are they poor sleepers? At that age they (hopefully) are in bed at a reasonable hour and you should have time to unwind.
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Post Mon, Oct 04 2021, 5:20 pm
Hire a sitter and do what you like: sleep, shop, go for a walk. Or have the sitter take them out and luxuriate in the quiet at home.

Napping when the kids napped never worked for me. If I slept when they did, when would I get anything done?
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