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Black hat open minded not quite yeshivish with dog brooklyn
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Post Thu, Nov 05 2020, 4:01 am
Growing up a very good friend of mine had a dog. I loved going on Shabbos to play.
Until my liberal, oot,open minded rav told me I can’t touch the dog on Shabbos and it’s 100% muktzah to me.
I could see that make it hard to have friends come over on Shabbos

I don’t see the working in most of Lakewood. Maybe 1-2 boys or girls schools and on the outskirts of town.
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Post Thu, Nov 05 2020, 11:49 am
metacognizant wrote:
This is us, sort of. My husband wears the full levush most of the time. He definitely wears a black hat to shul and any type of formal event. I wear pants and a tichel (sue me). We live in a frum neighborhood in Brooklyn. We have a giant Doberman mix. He can get annoying, bouncing around the house, but he's actually great with the kids and he's an excellent burglar deterrent. We have a crate for him to hang out in when we have guests because NO ONE frum will come into our house otherwise. Several of our neighbors have tiny dogs, but we only have one nearby friend with a giant dog (a German Shepherd). So it's not unheard of. If you're willing to break the mold you can join our club ;-)

Edit: I grew up Chassidishe and my mother/her rav were adamant that dogs are tamei and cannot be had in the house for this reason. As I understand this, this is a Chassidishe thing and wouldn't apply if you are a misnagid (as I am now). There is an issue with walking dogs outside of an eruv on Shabbos, but (a) we live inside of an eruv, (b) even if the eruv were down, we have a small fenced back yard, so if we needed to go one Shabbos without walking the dog, we could. I think if there are halachic questions involved in dog or pet ownership any responsible person can figure them out in advance.

Edit 2: Someone earlier in the thread said they could not believe it that in RBS Chassidishe families own and walk dogs. I know that when I was growing up this was not done. BUT my sister and her family live in Beitar Elite and are Chassidishe (Toldos Ahron) all the way. They do not have a dog themselves but they are actually very pro dog! When they visited my house a few years ago on a trip to the USA, my brother in law was adamant that he wanted his daughter to meet the dog I had at that time (an enormous Rottweiler), play with her, pet her etc. so that my niece would learn to not be afraid of dogs in general. They wouldn't eat the food I cooked in my kitchen or use my plates, they brought their own milk **from Israel** because my brother in law does not drink milk that hasn't **actually been milked** by a frum, ehrlich Yid... but they like dogs, have no problem with dogs at home, and want their kids to be comfortable around dogs too!

I am not chasidish, but we are not "misnagdim". as you divided.
we are bnei torah, yehsivish

many rabbincial authorities are against a non kosher animal in your house. (I can list many Gdolim from many circles, not chasidish).
Frum yeshivish does not go with dogs.
Frum and open minded? I am open minded, but limit myself to my Rabbonim, so no dogs.
I probably would not go into a house with a dog.
Your BIL in Beitar wanted his daughter to pet the dog so you conclude he support dog in a frum home -
My interpertation (based on your facts stated) : he doesnt want his kid to be afraid of a dogs. But he would NOT bring one to his home, bc hashkafically it doesnt work.

So you do what you want, but I wouldnt imply that non Chassidim are yeshivish, open minded, and have dogs.

I am sad to see people bring in dogs in RBS - EY never had this.

Our Rabbonim dont think its appropriate. (I know from ppl who went to ask a shaila regarding certain kids and were told not to).

So in conclusion, if you choose your own path - its one thing
If you ask Gedolim - its not accepted.
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Post Thu, Nov 05 2020, 1:11 pm
amother [ Cerulean ] wrote:
Most schools don’t allow it. Even the more left wing ones.

lol what does that even mean school's don't allow it? I wouldn't ask the school if I can own a pet.
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Post Thu, Nov 05 2020, 1:19 pm
amother [ Amethyst ] wrote:
lol what does that even mean school's don't allow it? I wouldn't ask the school if I can own a pet.

It means they will call you up and say if you don’t get rid of it, your kid can’t come to our school.
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small bean


Post Thu, Nov 05 2020, 1:21 pm
I don't thinknpeoplenare anti dogs bevause of kosher/non kosher because than you wouldn't be able to hsve a bunny either, which is extremely popular in all jewish circles.

People didn't have dogs because there wasnt time for it. So it became cultural.

I've never heard a rabbi say no to dogs for halachik reasons. Shabbos is not an issur with animals.

This reminds me, my daughter in school was learning 39 melachos and learned about milking aninals on shabbos/yommtov..she told her teacher, it's not true, we milk on shabbos and that's not how its done. Her teacher said tell your father to ask a rav. so my husband showed her the halachos and how we do it. He then had her call a rav to confirm that it ws correct and her teahher incorrect.. My point is that people who don't have pets are just not knowledgable in that area of halacha, and just assume things.
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Post Thu, Nov 05 2020, 1:28 pm
amother [ Cerulean ] wrote:
It means they will call you up and say if you don’t get rid of it, your kid can’t come to our school.

That's overreach, imo.
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Post Sun, Nov 29 2020, 11:36 am
Does the size make any difference?

I can understand why it’s somewhat weird for a black hat family to go on a walk with a big golden retriever or German shepherd, but what about a cute little Maltese?
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Post Sun, Nov 29 2020, 12:44 pm
amother [ Blush ] wrote:
Does the size make any difference?

I can understand why it’s somewhat weird for a black hat family to go on a walk with a big golden retriever or German shepherd, but what about a cute little Maltese?
Once you're getting a dog, imo size doesn't matter, unless it's a pitbull, rottweiler or similar dog.
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Post Mon, Nov 30 2020, 3:35 am
amother [ Cerulean ] wrote:
It means they will call you up and say if you don’t get rid of it, your kid can’t come to our school.

Our school made the rule of no dogs but if anyone had one and their kids were already in the school then they didn't have to get rid of it. They just weren't going to accept new kids who's family had a dog.
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