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Post Thu, Apr 26 2018, 11:25 am
dvorak613 wrote:
That's why I also suggested raising the money. We've raised money before for members who needed help. We can raise money to save the integrity of this online community. We shouldn't have to take this lying down.

Do you really think Yael wants to monitor this site to be certain that nothing that looks true defamation ever gets written about TR. Its too much. The letter from the lawyer asked her not to pull all bad reviews, rather "to remove all negative reviews that they considered libel and defamatory" - that is the subset of the negative reviews that 'cross the line' so to speak.

What do we as users of this site loose from not being able to freely discuss a lady who runs a diet business?

I'd prefer we spend our time here educating people on how to be critical about the social media they consume, then attack someone who is doing a fantastic job of marketing.
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Post Thu, Apr 26 2018, 11:28 am
allthingsblue wrote:
TTI can help. There are many online RD programs.

Re marketing, perhaps a lot of people are studying it, but with the rapid advancement of social media etc, there is a huge demand, at least in the frum world.

TTI does not offer nutritional degrees.

As for marketing - I don't know anything about the field, but I'm pretty sure a degree is not what it takes to make it Smile.
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Post Thu, Apr 26 2018, 11:29 am
watergirl wrote:
I dont know a lot, just what I’ve gleaned from my RD. Who told her this? She should speak to actual RDs.

She did.
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Post Thu, Apr 26 2018, 11:33 am
There’s a bunch of frum RDs that work in the WIC office in Yeled V’Yalda. I don’t know where they went to school, but I can’t imagine they would have done it if there were halachic issues.
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Post Thu, Apr 26 2018, 11:36 am
Mommyg8 wrote:
I'm not crust - but having gone to a "secular" college, I have noticed that most of my classmates were going for marketing degrees. I've heard that it's an over-saturated market - but I could be wrong. Do your research before committing to a degree in marketing.

As for a nutrition degree - there are no frum colleges that offer this, AFAIK, and there can be many halachic shaylos that would come up when doing this through a "regular" college. For example, milk and meat cannot be cooked together, etc. Even planning menus, while probably allowed, can be complicated for a frum Jewish girl. Not saying it's impossible - but there would be a lot to navigate if you decide to do this.

I'm actually going to Touro College-not a secular one- and took many courses already. Right now I'm on the accounting CPA track but still have a window of time to switch if I choose to. Somehow, the health field is calling to me abit. the hardest part is choosing when undecided!

thanks for the input, both of you (that's for you too crust)
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Post Thu, Apr 26 2018, 11:40 am
amother wrote:
I'm actually going to Touro College-not a secular one- and took many courses already. Right now I'm on the accounting CPA track but still have a window of time to switch if I choose to. Somehow, the health field is calling to me abit. the hardest part is choosing when undecided!

thanks for the input, both of you (that's for you too crust)

I'm also on the accounting/CPA track... marketing is much more fun! If you're creative and think there's a market for a marketing degree (oh, that came out funny Confused ) why not go for it? I would think that accounting and marketing require opposite personality types, though...

The health field is probably more interesting than accounting. Hope things work out well in whatever you choose!
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Post Thu, Apr 26 2018, 11:40 am
shyshira wrote:
Do you really think Yael wants to monitor this site to be certain that nothing that looks true defamation ever gets written about TR. Its too much. The letter from the lawyer asked her not to pull all bad reviews, rather "to remove all negative reviews that they considered libel and defamatory" - that is the subset of the negative reviews that 'cross the line' so to speak.

What do we as users of this site loose from not being able to freely discuss a lady who runs a diet business?

I'd prefer we spend our time here educating people on how to be critical about the social media they consume, then attack someone who is doing a fantastic job of marketing.

That's exactly my point. Yael shouldn't have to monitor reviews, she was bullied into this situation and something should be done to make Tanya back off (or at least show that her cease-and-desist is just bluff, as many of them are). What's to be gained? There are thousands upon thousands of posts on this site asking for recommendations for doctors, therapists, and all sorts of service providers for whatever they might need. Or people want to research further and post "anyone have experience with Dr. Almoni?" And people answer, with both positives and negatives. What makes Tanya so special that she gets to censor her reviews? Who's going to come on here next and ask for the same? While professional recommendations are far from the bulk of what we talk about here, they do come up frequently and people should be able to ask and those with something relevant to share should be able to reply. And Tanya should not be exempt from this. You run a business, not every customer is going to be satisfied, and in the digital age, they put it online. She needs to get over herself and learn how to handle it properly.
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Post Thu, Apr 26 2018, 11:46 am
I'm not in the market for losing weight or looking good (I like my weight and appearance), I'm just very curious about the food plan TR' puts her clients on. If you're personally on her program, could you please pm me and tell me what's her food plan?
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Post Thu, Apr 26 2018, 12:00 pm
Thank you. (To clarify, it's not my son, but a friend's. )
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Post Thu, Apr 26 2018, 12:02 pm
Mommyg8 wrote:
TTI does not offer nutritional degrees.

As for marketing - I don't know anything about the field, but I'm pretty sure a degree is not what it takes to make it Smile.

They used to. I guess they discontinued it. But you can still call them and ask for help.
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Post Thu, Apr 26 2018, 12:17 pm
Yael wrote:
We recently received a letter from Tanya Rosen’s lawyer ordering us to cease and desist in allowing users to post negative reviews of Nutrition by Tanya. They asked us to remove all negative reviews that they considered libel and defamatory. Since we are not willing to fight this order in court, we agreed to remove the reviews.

However in order to keep Imamother at the level of authenticity and honesty that we strive for, we have decided that if negative reviews are removed, then positive ones will have to be removed as well, in order to keep the integrity of Imamother. We value giving our members the opportunity to get honest feedback and having a one sided discussion doesn’t offer this.

Therefore, we will no longer allow any discussion of Nutrition by Tanya.

Sorry for the inconvenience that this may have caused.

I just looked up "cease and desist".

It applies to 4 areas;
-Intellectual property
-Character defamation and libel
-Contract violations

It is not legally binding and is the opinion of one party.
It is a negotiation tactic.
Anyone can send one, not only an attorney.

It does not make sense to send to Yael since she has not written anything against her. She did not promote the topic at all.
She has only provided a platform.
Was Mark Zuckerberg sent a similar letter?
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Post Thu, Apr 26 2018, 12:29 pm
dvorak613 wrote:
That's exactly my point. Yael shouldn't have to monitor reviews, she was bullied into this situation and something should be done to make Tanya back off (or at least show that her cease-and-desist is just bluff, as many of them are). What's to be gained? There are thousands upon thousands of posts on this site asking for recommendations for doctors, therapists, and all sorts of service providers for whatever they might need. Or people want to research further and post "anyone have experience with Dr. Almoni?" And people answer, with both positives and negatives. What makes Tanya so special that she gets to censor her reviews? Who's going to come on here next and ask for the same? While professional recommendations are far from the bulk of what we talk about here, they do come up frequently and people should be able to ask and those with something relevant to share should be able to reply. And Tanya should not be exempt from this. You run a business, not every customer is going to be satisfied, and in the digital age, they put it online. She needs to get over herself and learn how to handle it properly.

Any site moderator needs to monitor that they aren't being used as a platform for libel and defamation. If TR wants to be a litigious person - that's on her (so many successful business people are).

Yael is taking the path of least resistance here.
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Post Thu, Apr 26 2018, 12:38 pm
Iymnok wrote:
I just looked up "cease and desist".

It applies to 4 areas;
-Intellectual property
-Character defamation and libel
-Contract violations

It is not legally binding and is the opinion of one party.
It is a negotiation tactic.
Anyone can send one, not only an attorney.

It does not make sense to send to Yael since she has not written anything against her. She did not promote the topic at all.
She has only provided a platform.
Was Mark Zuckerberg sent a similar letter?

Anyone can send anyone a letter, and it doesn't mean anything.

Tanya is just letting Yael know that Tanya won't hesitate to sue her. The fact that she took the step of hiring an attorney to write a letter, lends credibility to the threat (although not necessarily. Hiring a lawyer for a lawsuit is far more expensive than hiring a lawyer to write a letter.)

Even if Tanya sues, it doesn't mean that she would win such a suit.

But lawsuits can be exhausting and expensive to defend, even if you ultimately prevail.
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Post Thu, Apr 26 2018, 12:40 pm
shyshira wrote:
Any site moderator needs to monitor that they aren't being used as a platform for libel and defamation. If TR wants to be a litigious person - that's on her (so many successful business people are).

Yael is taking the path of least resistance here.

I don't know. Is an online message board, where it is clear that posters are posting their own personal opinions, considered the same as, say, a magazine, in which the company would be held responsible for what it publishes?
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Post Thu, Apr 26 2018, 12:51 pm
amother wrote:
I don't know. Is an online message board, where it is clear that posters are posting their own personal opinions, considered the same as, say, a magazine, in which the company would be held responsible for what it publishes?

Case Law in my jurisdiction indicates - yes.
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Post Thu, Apr 26 2018, 12:54 pm
I don't understand the drama.

I dont know much about Tanya, but if she doesn't want people discussing her, so don't. It's probably LH anyway as mentioned above.

It's not so hard, and a lot more accurate to ask real life references,. rather than rely on anonymous posts. And if you don't like her style, don't use her.
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Post Thu, Apr 26 2018, 1:00 pm
shyshira wrote:
Any site moderator needs to monitor that they aren't being used as a platform for libel and defamation. If TR wants to be a litigious person - that's on her (so many successful business people are).

Yael is taking the path of least resistance here.

They already do. It's happened where threads had to have names removed or got taken down entirely when names were being shared with irrelevant and inflammatory statements. If any such posts were made about Tanya, it would have been dealt with accordingly. No such posts were made, only posts that questioned or outright disagreed with her approach. And now, no one can come here asking for advice about whether she should sign up for Tanya's program. Nor can anyone recommend her if someone comes here asking for suggestions for weight loss programs. We should not have to be constrained in this manner. I understand why Yael is taking the path of least resistance. But if there are people here with the right knowledge and expertise who are willing to lend their time to making Tanya back down, I think it's worth a shot.
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Post Thu, Apr 26 2018, 1:10 pm
Is anyone disturbed by the threat to bypass the B"D process and proceed straight to secular court with no heter whatsoever? I know that B"D gets a bad rap these days, but halacha is still halacha. I may be in the minority, but to me, that's even more disturbing than the overall intimidation. If she wants to send threatening letters, let them be about a hazmana (summons) to B"D.
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Post Thu, Apr 26 2018, 1:12 pm
I'm no lawyer, but I'm curious - As Yael lives in Canada, how would it even work for Tanya to sue her in NY? I don't know anything Canadian law regarding libel and whether it's more or less favorable to Yael, but couldn't she just tell Tanya and her lawyer that she'll see them in Montreal Civil Court?
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Post Thu, Apr 26 2018, 1:15 pm
Kiwi13 wrote:
Wow. I don’t know anything about her diet plans (I guess I’ve been living under a rock!) but I do know a thing or two about putting soap (or water or some other damaging substance) on food, and whether she intends it or not if she advocates such a thing she is absolutely teaching eating disorder “strategies.” Will it “give people eating disorders?” Maybe not, but it absolutely will harm people already struggling, and can tip people over the edge who are teetering into an unhealthy place. And just so we’re clear, it’s not just people who need to lose weight who turn to diets. “Biggest Loser” had an alarmingly huge following of anorexic and bulimic viewers.

Again, I know nothing about this specific woman and her specific diet plan, but this post jumped out at me as a glaring red flag. Nothing cute or funny about it at all. If you want to make an argument that maybe it’s a good approach for certain specific people, fine, possibly. But spreading this kind of “advice” on a grand scale (as it seems she was doing?) is reckless.

This reminds me of 'Lieder's Diet' that also had this craziness that when you eat you should think of a mouse in your cake... not sure exactly what animal he used to tell his clients but this idea...
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