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Random stuff you wonder about...

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Post Fri, Nov 17 2017, 12:41 am
Recently my husband got interested in space and he occasionally shares things he learns about planets, space shuttles, etc. A few weeks ago he told me there’s evidence that it rains diamonds on Neptune and I’m fascinated by that idea... I wish there was a way to bring some of them to earth. DH said if we could bring them here then diamonds would lose their value. I think that would be even better. I’d love to have a Neptune diamond! (Yes I know, but we bond over silly conversations like these from time to time.)

What random things do you think about?
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Post Fri, Nov 17 2017, 12:52 am
That I would also love a Neptune diamond. Smile
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Post Fri, Nov 17 2017, 1:28 am
Controversy! Just my kind of thing (*rubs hand excitedly*)
-Speaking of Space- are aliens real? Kidding aside, is there life on other planets
- the ten lost tribes is a big question. Where are they??
- what happens when you die? What’s Olam Haba like? Is Gehennom really bad?
- who will be Mashiach and how scary will Gog Umagog be?
- what were my past gilgulim? Was I married to DH? What if I was a boy?
- what if the derech I chose to live my merry life is the wrong one?
- are there mermaids, unicorns , witches, what about the Lochness monster?
- what will happen if isis overtakes America or Korea bombs the world?
- who colored the sky blue?
- is global warming a real thing?

These are just a few questions that have plagued my little brain for a lot of my life...
I’m sure I’ll think of more tomorrow.
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Post Fri, Nov 17 2017, 1:39 am
Diamonds from Neptune- I say cool:
Some of my random thoughts:
What would happen if there really is life in space as in Isaac Osimov's story "Youth"? What if they look totally unlife like.. so how in heavens name can we identify them? Like suppose they look like a tiny dust- how would we communicate? In that vein, will Mars ever be inhabited? What will be like? E/t as we know on earth would be different? Would you be able to travel from Mars to Earth ya know to visit your friends or for your nieces wedding?

And that it's time to go to sleep. Now.
Have a good night and a pleasant tomorrow. (can't resist!)
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Post Fri, Nov 17 2017, 3:41 am
I wonder about the last breath. If I could be with a dying person I might satisfy my wondering.
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Post Fri, Nov 17 2017, 7:16 am
Kiwi13 wrote:
A few weeks ago he told me there’s evidence that it rains diamonds on Neptune and I’m fascinated by that idea... I wish there was a way to bring some of them to earth. DH said if we could bring them here then diamonds would lose their value.

They're not rare on Earth either. The diamond industry limits the number that they sell to jack up the price.
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Post Fri, Nov 17 2017, 9:02 am
SuperWify wrote:
Controversy! Just my kind of thing (*rubs hand excitedly*)
-Speaking of Space- are aliens real? Kidding aside, is there life on other planets
- the ten lost tribes is a big question. Where are they??
- what happens when you die? What’s Olam Haba like? Is Gehennom really bad?
- who will be Mashiach and how scary will Gog Umagog be?
- what were my past gilgulim? Was I married to DH? What if I was a boy?
- what if the derech I chose to live my merry life is the wrong one?
- are there mermaids, unicorns , witches, what about the Lochness monster?
- what will happen if isis overtakes America or Korea bombs the world?
- who colored the sky blue?
- is global warming a real thing?

These are just a few questions that have plagued my little brain for a lot of my life...
I’m sure I’ll think of more tomorrow.

(1)According to Rav Yakkov Kamentsky there may be living creatures on other planets/ outer space but there aren't people with bechira because there wouldn't be people without Torah.
(2)See todays thread about it
(3)Like a desperately needed surgery without anesthesia it isn't bad but it is painful
(4)The Rambam says no one know what Mosiach will be like
(5)Not likely you were married to your current husband last gilgul.
(6)If you kept torah and mitzvos properly which derecho you follow shouldn't make a difference
(7)The Torah talks about witches. I doubt the other exist. What evidence is there that they do?
(9)The sky is blue because of a reflection of light and sun rays. The same reason people have blue eyes.
(10)There is evidence for it but I doubt anyone knows whether it is true or not

I apologize if my answers are too serious and literal

Last edited by leah233 on Fri, Nov 17 2017, 9:32 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Fri, Nov 17 2017, 9:08 am
leah233 wrote:
(1)According to Rav Yakkov Kamentsky there may be living creatures on other planets but there aren't people with bechira because there wouldn't be people without Torah.
(2)See todays thread about it
(3)Yes Gehinom is bad
(4)The Rambam says no one know what Mosiach will be like
(5)Not likely you were married to your current husband last gilgul.
(6)If you kept torah and mitzvos properly which derecho you follow shouldn't make a difference
(7)The Torah talks about witches. I doubt the other exist. What evidence is there that they do?
(9)The sky is blue because of a reflection of light and sun rays. The same reason people have blue eyes.
(10)There is evidence for it but I doubt anyone knows whether it is true or not

I apologize if my answers are too serious and literal

When there isnt light or sunrays- what makes thier eyes blue -then?
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Post Fri, Nov 17 2017, 9:13 am
crust wrote:
When there isnt light or sunrays- what makes thier eyes blue -then?

It is a reflection of light not necessarily sunlight.

To be more technical: Blue eyed people have less melanin in their eyes which gives them less pigment which causes them to be blue.The sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they scatter other colors.
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Post Fri, Nov 17 2017, 10:28 am
leah233 wrote:
It is a reflection of light not necessarily sunlight.

To be more technical: Blue eyed people have less melanin in their eyes which gives them less pigment which causes them to be blue.The sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they scatter other colors.

Yes -- for more on why the sky is blue, google "Rayleigh scattering." It's a shame that many people need to wait until they're 20 to answer a question they asked when they were 2!
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Post Fri, Nov 17 2017, 12:24 pm
Light is a spectrum of energy emissions. We normally think of that in terms of the colours of the rainbow from violet through blue green yellow and red. Those are the colours we can see. But it goes further than that. There are 'colours' that the construction of our eyes - a biological constriction - do not allow us to see. Infra red (meaning 'below red' ) refers to light emanations too far down the human spectrum to be picked up by the eye. Ultra violet refers to those that are too far above the human spectrum to be picked up.

Different substances reflect/refract/trap different parts of the light spectrum. The atmosphere reflects the blue part and that is why the sky is blue. Our eyes can pick up which part of the colour spectrum and individual substance will refract because this is a very good way of telling one substance or thing from another.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that our eyes only have three different types of 'cones' - the sensitive nerves that react to 'colour' or the particular wave of the light spectrum they are capable receiving. Roughly speaking those cones react individually to light if it is in the exact part of the spectrum that we call red, blue/green or yellow. We have a different type for each. In the human eye, all other colours are a combination of these three. What is more we don't have them in even numbers. The human eye can detect many more shades of green/yellothan it can of, say, red. Perhaps that's because we need to - green is a much more common colour than red in this world and we need to be particularly sensitive to it or we wouldn't be able to tell one thing from another. We need red too though. That's how we detect ripeness in the foods we eat. And it's one reason why we love the beauty of flowers, just because they are lovely. In the natural world, the 'pure' and relatively rare colours of flowers are an unusual and therefore precious thing.

Human detection of colour doesn't necessarily reflect how light operates in the universe but it gives us what we need as humans. And its very beautiful. What more can I say?
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Post Fri, Nov 17 2017, 12:56 pm
I wonder what babies think about all day. Do they get bored?
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Post Fri, Nov 17 2017, 1:21 pm
Sometimes I wonder if my cat really loves me. She must at least like me. I catch her just staring at me and wonder what she’s thinking. Is she waiting for the right time to scratch me? Or waiting for me to leave the room to knock something down? Or get the fish?
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Post Fri, Nov 17 2017, 1:24 pm
I wonder what is really going on on Mars.
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Post Fri, Nov 17 2017, 1:47 pm
I wonder how the best candidates the most powerful country on earth could find to lead it are Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
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Post Fri, Nov 17 2017, 1:48 pm
leah233 wrote:
(1)According to Rav Yakkov Kamentsky there may be living creatures on other planets/ outer space but there aren't people with bechira because there wouldn't be people without Torah.
(2)See todays thread about it
(3)Like a desperately needed surgery without anesthesia it isn't bad but it is painful
(4)The Rambam says no one know what Mosiach will be like
(5)Not likely you were married to your current husband last gilgul.
(6)If you kept torah and mitzvos properly which derecho you follow shouldn't make a difference
(7)The Torah talks about witches. I doubt the other exist. What evidence is there that they do?
(9)The sky is blue because of a reflection of light and sun rays. The same reason people have blue eyes.
(10)There is evidence for it but I doubt anyone knows whether it is true or not

I apologize if my answers are too serious and literal

1. Cool!! I didn’t know he said that
2. I wonder if she made that thread because of what I wrote or she thought about it at the sqm time
3. I don’t understand your answer
4. That helps Crying
5. Why is that not likely? If I had ten different husbands then it will be kind of awkward after 120..
6. I hear
7. My question is if there are still witches around. The Torah (gemerah) talks about mermaids. Again, wondering if there are any today. As for unicorns, a lot of mythical creatures are based on the Torah, so I’m wonder where it came from. The Shamir, chilazon etc are creatures mentioned in the Torah that we as of now don’t know if they still exist or haven’t found them.
8. Big time. But sooner or later it might happen c”v
9. But light is not blue? Re blue eyes then everyone would have blue eyes. Most people do not
10. What evidence?

Now for more...
- is the Bermuda Triangle the opening to gehenom?
- are there other worlds with people?
- Will scientists ever be able to invent a time machine that can travel past and future? Is that scientificly possible?
- is there any basis to the Illuminati theory?
-is near death experiences real? ( think Raymond moody)
-how come the world is silent to the injustices being done to people in N korea, places in Africa, the Arab world etc?
- are there ghosts, shaydim, dybukkim? Was there ever a Golem of Prague and Is his body really in the attic of the Alteinu Shul?
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Post Fri, Nov 17 2017, 2:03 pm
I wonder often about the holocaust. I don't have any grandparents that went through it, though I feel this strong connection as if I was there myself. I devour every book on the topic. I sometimes picture myself in Europe and envision my surroundings even though I've never been there in my life. It's very weird, but I really wonder about it a lot. About the people of that era, of how each handled their experiences, and of why the world didn't do anything to save these unfortunate souls.

Last edited by thunderstorm on Fri, Nov 17 2017, 2:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Fri, Nov 17 2017, 2:05 pm
I wonder where the missing socks go, when we had ten pairs in the drier but only 9.5 came out. No socks stuck to the door, no socks behind the drier. Where is the mysterious dimension in space that eats my socks and how does it work? And why socks? And why only one of a pair?
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Post Fri, Nov 17 2017, 2:06 pm
I wonder why Hashem dies certain things and what the next the next world will be like
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Post Fri, Nov 17 2017, 2:14 pm
debsey wrote:
I wonder where the missing socks go, when we had ten pairs in the drier but only 9.5 came out. No socks stuck to the door, no socks behind the drier. Where is the mysterious dimension in space that eats my socks and how does it work? And why socks? And why only one of a pair?

My old washing machine used to eat socks. When it broke the repairman removed the agitater and found a bunch of socks inside the machine. shock
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