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Forum -> Yom Tov / Holidays -> Pesach

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Post Tue, Mar 27 2007, 3:21 pm
OK. Enough is enough. I thought I was finished today. Yeah right. So whatever is in my hands, I frickin did already. I even cleaned up the house 'regular'. Changed linen...I cleaned my whole house from top to bottom my own self. No outside help whatsoever. I felt great today. UNTILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLl: My landlady knocks on the door with her favorite "It's leaking" with the look of someone who is gonna kill me right then and there had she had a gun on her....So it's always leaking, fix your floors lady! whatdaya want from me? Every time I take a shower and forgot to hermatically seal the shower curtain shut..she comes screaming "OY my freshly painted house"...Or when I wash my floors I gotta make sure there's not one extra drop of water to be found! So now I was washing my quilts. My washing machine ran over... so I wiped it with the letsta koiches I had.. and continue my own merry way. I thought it was a one time thing. So she 'warned' me before "call a handyman before putting it on again.." Uh huh right away maam. When ur gonna call an exterminator for my disgusting ever growing ewwwwww cockroaches,,, talk to you then lady. So I put in another load. KNOCKING frantically on the door...it's leaking again. "I heard you put on the washing machine.." in a tone like I saw you stealing the lollypop, told u not to...OH freaking gosh, I'm tired , got two pitzelech to take care of, THOUGHT I was finished, and here u come with ur bubba maises! OH, did I forget to mention, AND mikvah tonight. G-d help me.

btw, WHO pays for such a thing? the handyman? I've got not a red cent. doesn't she need to pay?

sorry so long!
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Post Tue, Mar 27 2007, 3:24 pm
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chocolate moose


Post Tue, Mar 27 2007, 3:51 pm
Oh, no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you sure you need a handyman; youmight need a plumber?
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Post Tue, Mar 27 2007, 4:16 pm
If you are renting from her, she needs to make all necessary repairs. She owns the house, she pays. If she doesn't want your shower to leak on her, she needs to call someone in to see if you need caulking or whatever work done and take care of it.

And next time she comes knocking at your door, I'd say, "oh great, you must be coming up to let me know that your repairman is on his way."
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Post Tue, Mar 27 2007, 5:01 pm
sorry, but if your washing machine is leaking it has nothing to do with your landlady's responsibilities to you, which would be to repair any busted or leaky pipes. YOUR washing machine is NOT her responsibility. You are lucky you are allowed to have one. Same with shower. If you don't close the shower curtain, it's gonna leak. Owners are not required to hermetically seal anything.

Did you ever wonder why many building owners don't allow washing machines? or city codes? Do you know why many apartment owners won't take singles, especially bochurim? because they are sloppy shower users.

It's called mentschlichkeit.

Be happy that you don't have to go to a laundromat, and take care of your machine, and just be a mentsh.
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Post Tue, Mar 27 2007, 5:07 pm
Yup, if its your washing machine that's leaking, it's your responsibility to pay for the damage it causes.

My landlord didn't let me have a machine in the building b/c he didn't want to deal with people like you that would cause damage and then refuse to pay for it.
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Post Tue, Mar 27 2007, 5:11 pm
you're mad because your landlady gave you a look like you're stealing the lolly pop. Well yes, you are ruining her ceilings, and furniture underneath, and you know you are doing that. How much does it cost to repair a damaged or caved in ceiling? replace a hundred seforim? Change over her kitchen for Pesach AGAIN? Are you ready to pay for her damages? We're talking more than lollypops here Confused
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Post Tue, Mar 27 2007, 5:26 pm
Some regular washing machines are too small for quilts and that may be why it leaked. You should take quilts to the laundramat and use the large loaders.
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dr pepper


Post Tue, Mar 27 2007, 5:58 pm
a ceiling shouldn't leak because a shower curtain isn't being properly closed. yeah op should try her best to close it, but some water inevitably escapes and if it's leaking, that means the landlord needs to take care of the caulking or whatever. same goes for leaking from routine floor washing.

the washing machine is her responsiblity though. you can't keep damaging her ceiling and walls because she hasn't got an exterminator for you. separate the issues. you just do your part. and if she won't get rid of the roaches, call an exterminator yourself, save the receipt, and deduct it from your rent. simple enough.
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Post Tue, Mar 27 2007, 6:39 pm
ok, now that I'm calmer I can relate to this logically. First of all, there are ways to do stuff and say things... the way she yelled at me..it wasnt' nice. I understand it's erev pesach for you, it is for me too. I also understand the washing machine problem, that it belongs to me. But, if this would have been her first leaking problem, I would understand. The problem is that it is constant. And usually not my fault. So this only one time that it was, and I had a very hard week and pre pesach blues (who doesn't ) it was just too much. It would have been ten times easier had she said it pleasantly. I think she realized that, and came knocking on my door and offered to wash my laundry..I refused. So she tried making up by offering that her teenage daughter take one of my kids for a walk.. nice try. I cried real hard after that. Can't wait to own my own home. Thanx for listening.
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Post Tue, Mar 27 2007, 9:09 pm
When you own your own home, you will likely have to have things repaired all the time.
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Post Tue, Mar 27 2007, 9:14 pm
unless your husband happens to be the best handyman there is LOL
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