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Forum -> Relationships -> Manners & Etiquette
Answering the Door

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Post Fri, Dec 29 2006, 3:31 am
Since DS was born I don't always answer the door anymore. Sometimes I'm nursing and sometimes I just have my hands full with both kids. The thing is when DD is crying or making noise and the person on the other side of the door can hear, I always feel bad. Is it rude not to answer the door if I'm home alone with both kids?
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Post Fri, Dec 29 2006, 3:48 am
No, don't feel bad, I also igonore the door sometimes if I can't open.
if you're too busy - you're too busy, especially with a newborn and a toddler. Same goes with answering the phone.
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Post Fri, Dec 29 2006, 7:47 am
PHone definitely ignore!!!!!!!!!!!!! People can always leave a message.
Door I find annoying at times if I'm upstairs, but I feel people made an effort to come to my house, least I can do is answer.

However- many times I wont open, just talk through the door if nursing etc.
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Post Fri, Dec 29 2006, 8:27 am
Phone I ignore, door I ignore too. I usually know if someone is coming, if the bell rings randomly, its usually a Tzeddakah collector and I dont answer the door for them. If my husband is home, he does.
If they hear the baby, they ring and ring and ring and ring..........
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Post Fri, Dec 29 2006, 9:06 am
Put a sign on door "go away" oscar the grouch would love it, or you could word it a little nicer like "please don't disturb - new baby"
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chocolate moose


Post Fri, Dec 29 2006, 10:11 am
I agree, the door is a lot hard to negotiate than a phone!
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Post Sat, Dec 30 2006, 10:24 pm
What I find annoying is when someone rings my bell to collect tzedakah at 9:20 at night. It wakes my one year old up, and sometimes I can't get him back to sleep till 11. I lose my whole night. I keep saying I will put up a sign.
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Post Sat, Dec 30 2006, 10:48 pm
liveandlearn wrote:
What I find annoying is when someone rings my bell to collect tzedakah at 9:20 at night. It wakes my one year old up, and sometimes I can't get him back to sleep till 11. I lose my whole night. I keep saying I will put up a sign.

If I lived nearby I'd make you one. I can't stand the late hours - lucky people don't seem to come to my block anymore.
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Post Sat, Dec 30 2006, 10:53 pm
liveandlearn. I have the same problem. People come later than nine, sometimes 10 or 11!!! Thats when I yell at them.
Once a Mishulach who comes all the time met my husband on the street and insinuated that we must have problems in the bedroom because I yelled at him after he came 4 times in one day!!!! shock
I told my husband to never give him another penny.
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Post Sun, Dec 31 2006, 1:29 am
liveandlearn wrote:
What I find annoying is when someone rings my bell to collect tzedakah at 9:20 at night. It wakes my one year old up, and sometimes I can't get him back to sleep till 11. I lose my whole night. I keep saying I will put up a sign.

they come much later here. Last week one came at almost 11.
I usually don't answer at night when my husband isn't home. But if they hear me through the door, I usually feel bad and answer.
I never answer the door while I'm working.
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Post Sun, Dec 31 2006, 1:35 am
One time someone came knocking at our door close to 12:00 PM. We were already sleeping, but the person kept on knocking (very loudly!), so, my husband ran to the door, thinking that maybe one of our neighbors had an emergency or something.
Turns out it was a delivery person, who had to deliver something to one of our neighbors (I think it was groceries or produce). He told my DH that the neighbors are sleeping, so my DH said: "Well, so are WE!!!"

My kids are also very light sleepers and also get woken up when ppl. knock at night.

Yoyosma - what a crazy thing for someone to tell your husband!!! Some people have a nerve!! Mad
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Post Sun, Dec 31 2006, 6:33 am
We also get people collecting very late (after 10). My husband wont answer the door on principal.
I just feel really bad when they can hear the kids and know that I'm home, but not answering.
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Post Sun, Dec 31 2006, 6:59 am
We have ppl coming to collect tzedaka at all hours. I never understand why they come at times that most ppl's husband's are away, ie during the day. I don't open for ppl when my husband's away. If they can hear my dd crying I feel bad, but I feel that its a safety issue.p knocking and ringing our really loud doorbell. we were'n t sleeping but it woke up my dd. We did answer the door to give them tzedaka, but also informed them what time it was and that at that hour they were bound to wake up some ppl and or their kids and perhaps they should be a little more careful. They were suprisingly very greatful. I think as being young, it perhaps never even occured to them.
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Post Sun, Dec 31 2006, 2:14 pm
I think it is rude. It drives me nutz when |I go to a friends house on shabbos (like the later part of the day) and the kids are on the other side yelling to me that mommy and daddy are sleeping please go away. I feel bad, but I think its crazy that both parents are sleeping without supervising six kids.
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Post Sun, Dec 31 2006, 2:21 pm
This is off the topic, but what drives me nuts is when my grocery delivery guys ring the bell - even at 12 am!

I'm usually still up, but it wakes up the baby ... grrrrr.
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Post Sun, Dec 31 2006, 2:29 pm
I once yelled at someone collecting tzedaka - that tzedaka starts in the home and when not so dh can realize that buying shoes for kids and paying bills are not wasting money maybe we'll have $$ to give till then get out
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Post Sun, Dec 31 2006, 2:35 pm
I bought a white noise making machine for my baby. Now they can ring the bell ( I don’t answer) but I don’t feel like strangling them because the baby sleeps through the sound B”H. I don’t believe that you should stay away from this machine because the baby can get addicted to it. My kids are light sleepers and wake up if I cough in the kitchen so how can a noise machine make that any worse…. This has been a great purchase at $18.
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