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KOSHER Freezer cooking / frozen assets : cooking in bulk!!
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Post Tue, Jul 01 2008, 10:34 am
That's what I was hoping for from others...it's tedious, but worth it in the long run.

What I do is decide how much I will make of what recipes and then write it all down off the recipes themselves, combining when I can (like 6 eggs for one recipe and 12 for another = 18 eggs, onions, flour, etc. for more than one recipe) Then I make a game plan and write it out: what do chop/prep first (ie onions since I'll usually use them in several recipes--not with my dairy day, but definitely with meat), bags to label with sauces or marinades, etc. I shop the day before and cook all day the day of.

For smaller days, I do the same, but might do it all together. Or I simply double, triple, etc... a recipe and freeze the extras. I do write everything down on my marker board so I can keep track of what goes in so it makes it back out again. Otherwise, it might get lost...
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Post Thu, Jun 25 2009, 1:01 pm
Any new insights on this nearly a year later? I'm trying to stock my new freezer for a new addition expected in a few weeks...
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Post Thu, Jun 25 2009, 9:45 pm
What a great thread!

Before my first I stuffed my freezer with food.... this time (also due soon, bezH) I just started thinking about it. Made 2.5 pounds of meatballs yesterday (equals 4 suppers for us....) and want to make butternut squash soup next week.

Hard to come up with what to make as it has to appeal to toddlers as well..... whom at times can be picky. Crying
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Post Tue, Jul 07 2009, 2:54 pm
I agree, it can be hard with younger kids. My kids like fruit, and easy stuff, like mac and cheese, so although I stock my freezer with good real food, I also am sure to have some of those mixes, boxes of pasta, and other easy stuff in the cupboard for right after. Rice freezes well, especially if it's just a touch firmer than you like it, and my kids love rice with things.

I've got 8 pounds of ground beef that is about to be magically transformed into meatballs tonight, then frozen uncooked. I am also going to be making my moroccan cigar meat mix and stuffing some cigars soon. And I have the stuff for my dh's favorite jachnoon dough, which I make a HUGE batch of and freeze in pieces. I also have all the ingredients for pizza dough, and will iyh do that tomorrow. I prebake shells, put sauce and cheese on them, wrap in plastic, and freeze, both in family size and individual sizes. I already did blintzes, some frozen food on a good sale, and have a loaf of bread, some bagels, milk, and a few other staples sitting quietly in the freezer to be called out when a staple is gone.

On to chicken planning! Marinades, baggies, etc...I find doing it by protein to be easier than just jumping around.
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Post Tue, Jul 07 2009, 4:37 pm
how do u make the cigars?? also, do u have to deep fry it or can u bake it?
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Post Tue, Jul 07 2009, 4:45 pm
I make a big, big batch of the meat (garlic, mustard, cinnamon, coriander, egg, etc...) and then roll it into "buttered" rolls. I usually don't deep fry, but you can--I freeze raw in layers and then put into sandwich baggies and then the baggies into a gallon zip. That way, I can take a few or a lot with no problem. Then I cook!

If I get tired of rolling cigars, I have been known to make a Moroccan cigar pie with layers of the thin dough and meat--like a pastille, or even to put some into puff pastry for Moroccan sambusas. I guess it depends on how I'm doing.

It's definitely one of my more labor intensive frozen foods. But my boys, including dh, love it! Smile
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Post Tue, Jul 07 2009, 4:47 pm
do u mind giving me an exact recipe for the meat filling as I would love to make it. I dont need amounts, just what to put into it. also what are buttered rolls?? u dont use puff pastry to roll it?
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Post Tue, Jul 07 2009, 4:49 pm
Amital wrote:

If I get tired of rolling cigars, I have been known to make a Moroccan cigar pie with layers of the thin dough and meat--like a pastille, or even to put some into puff pastry for Moroccan sambusas. I guess it depends on how I'm doing.

It's definitely one of my more labor intensive frozen foods. But my boys, including dh, love it! Smile

What a smart idea.
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Post Tue, Jul 07 2009, 6:23 pm
goodgirl wrote:
do u mind giving me an exact recipe for the meat filling as I would love to make it. I dont need amounts, just what to put into it.

sounds delicious, can I have exact directions too? it sounds like something my dh will love!
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Post Thu, Jul 09 2009, 4:06 pm
BN I'll post it in the next few days.

I'm on a cookie/ cake baking binge right now to cover the party after the baby...
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Post Mon, Jul 20 2009, 2:35 pm
OK, so here is the link to the moroccan cigar recipe.

I got some 4 legged chickens on a good sale, and am make and freezing mandarin orange chicken and raspberry glazed chicken (uncooked), some honey glazed chicken, the moroccan cigars, and I have some wonton wrappers I'll make into something! Getting the freezer as stocked as possible.
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Post Tue, Nov 02 2010, 10:25 am
Any new thoughts on this? It's rolling around to be that time again, although this time, I'm due on Passover, which brings a whole new set of issues to consider. But I want to have my freezer stocked before AND prep some Pesach things to be sure my dh and boys are taken care of!

First step for me right now is to inventory and plan a clean out of the freezer. Then on to the recipes and bulk cooking!
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Post Tue, Nov 02 2010, 10:54 am
Basic Meatball Mixture x4

6 lbs. ground meat
6 eggs OR 4 eggs + 4 egg whites
3 cups bread crumbs
1 cup grated onion
8 cloves garlic
4 tsp salt

Form meatballs. Divide meat into 4 pans which 1.5 lbs. of meatballs in each.

Use 1 pan for meatball soup, 1 for sweet and sour meatballs in the oven, 1 for honey garlic meatballs, 1 for saucy meatballs in the crockpot. (or use your own meatball sauce recipes.)


Meatloaf x2

4 lbs. ground meat
2 eggs
1-1/2 cups bread crumbs
1 cup bbq sauce
4 Tbsp onion powder
4 Tbsp garlic powder
2 Tbsp dried onion flakes.

Press into 2 (2 lb. = size small = 9x5x3) loaf pans. Freeze baked or raw. Bake defrosted loaf uncovered at 350F for 1 hour.


Best Burgers x2

3 lbs. ground meat
3/4 tsp cumin
3/4 tsp coriander
1-1/2 tsp curry powder
6 cloves garlic, crushed
2-1/4 tsp salt

Form into 12 large and very thin burgers. Stack burgers, layering paper or foil between them. Freeze. Bake defrosted burgers uncovered at 425 for 20 minutes, or grill.


More ideas: meat bourekas, asian burgers, juicy burgers, stuffed peppers, stuffed cabbage...

Should I go on with chicken cutlets, bone-in chicken, dairy pasta bakes?
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ray family


Post Tue, Nov 02 2010, 12:32 pm
Amital: my question for you is when exactly do you do all of this?
do you work? do you have any kids home w/ you? do you do it at night? sundays?
I cannot fathom cooking in such quantities when I have 2 kids (2 1/2 and 1) home w/ me all day every day and my son (4) who comes home at 1:10.....

just curious
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Post Tue, Nov 02 2010, 12:41 pm
ray family wrote:
Amital: my question for you is when exactly do you do all of this?
do you work? do you have any kids home w/ you? do you do it at night? sundays?
I cannot fathom cooking in such quantities when I have 2 kids (2 1/2 and 1) home w/ me all day every day and my son (4) who comes home at 1:10.....

just curious

Hi. I think I can safely say my days are quite busy. I have three boys ages 6 to 1 home with me all day (and am expecting #4 iyh)--I homeschool my oldest. And I work as an online professor, probably about 20-25 hours a week. And I'm working on completing my dissertation in my "spare" time.

I do it all in fits and spurts through the day. I find that organization is the key. If I am at a store and see a great deal, I have to think about when I can manage to use it and get the other ingredients. Then I list the steps, sometimes mentally, and get it done to the point that it's just busywork when I can.

For example, while prepping lunch for my boys, I might cut up and saute a bunch of onions, or grate them and put them into a bowl for later. Or I might make playdough for the boys and then cook something else while they are working with the dough in the kitchen. I can also start sauce or soup boiling and then do something else. Then once the boys are in bed (7:30), I can take a break, do some schoolwork, and then veg out with busy hands: rolling meatballs, stuffing borekas, assembling lasagnas, etc. I listen to a shiur or watch a dvd while I work, and it's relaxing and fulfilling to know that I am taking care of so much--it makes things SO much easier in the future!!

But I also do a huge cooking now and then (every 6 months?) with a babysitter/dh to fill my freezer--sometimes with a neighbor who helps! We turn out double the food and each fill our freezers. It's great! 8)
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Post Wed, Aug 03 2011, 7:47 pm
Amital- I just came across this thread... this is exactly what I am looking to do. Spend one day cooking and stocking my freezer. Do you have any menu plans already planned with recipes and shopping lists?

I came across onceamonthmom.com and followed their suggestions for creating my own plan. So far it includes:

2 batches of Challah in bread machine
2 broccoli kugels
2 spinach kugels
2 lokshen kugels
2 butternut squash kugels
Honey chicken kabobs
Lentils (crock pot)

I also plan on cleaning and prepping a bunch of packages of chicken and freezing raw.

I already planned the order I will be cooking in, what will be in my oven when, and the final shopping list. Now all I need is a day to actually do the cooking!

I'd love to hear your suggestions for making my cooking day work!
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Post Thu, Sep 04 2014, 7:37 am
I know its an old thread but I thought it would be useful for pple so I bumped it up and may be others can add to it Smile
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Post Tue, Sep 16 2014, 7:23 pm
This is a great thread and this is the perfect time to stock up freezers before the YT marathon.
I love starting off with Shabbos basics because I know I will always need these.
Challah and chicken soup and my go tos if I ever have spare time.
Chicken cutlers- bread and freeze raw, bake or fry fresh. Ill dip in breadcrumbs, cornflake crumbs (use real cornflakes and crush yourself-best kind) and just raw marinaded cutlets for grill pan.
Chicken quarters: spiced, duck sauce, breaded, honey/soy/garlic, or whatever stuff I have in fridge.
These are great for supper I'll bake the night before or if I'm home during the day.
I also cook and slice roasts in advance.
I need cook ideas for sides to freeze, the only ones I really do are potato and noodle kugel.
any ideas?
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