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The BEST NO FAIL Delicious challah- by breslov
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Post Sun, Apr 25 2010, 4:57 pm
Seraph wrote:
I used to kill my challahs all the time. (Heck, I killed a different recipe challah last week.) I either made challahs that fell apart because they were too yeasty or that were too hard that they broke the challah knife. My husband requested that I not make challah anymore.

And then I discovered this no fail challah recipe, and since then, my challahs been the talk of the town. So I figure, I might as well share it. Why should I get all the credit?

PS. Warning- dont change the ingredients or the order of what you do or it may not be fail safe anymore.

1 oz yeast- 2 packages- 1.5 tbsp
2 c warm water. (Test the water- it should be only slightly above lukewarm. Not too cold or the yeast wont rise, not too hot or you'll kill the yeast)

Mix together.

.5 cup sugar
1 tbsp salt
3 c flour

Mix it all together.

Add one egg beaten.
Add .5 cup oil.

Mix together.

Add 3.5 to 4 cups flour.

Let rise for an hour, punching it down at least 3 times during that hour.
Take challah.
Shape the dough. Brush with egg and put on topping- suchas mix of salt and garlic powder, or mix of sugar and cinamon, or poppy seeds, or sesame seeds. None is needed, they just add.. Let rise for 30 minutes.

Cook on 350 till golden brown. Approx 45 mins

Thanks so much for this no-fail recipe Seraph!
I actually made Challah this week, thanks to you! Smile
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Post Sun, May 02 2010, 9:40 pm
I just have to say I made this challah the past two shabbosos, with half whole wheat and half white flour. It was amazing! My family loved it. Thank you for sharing!
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Post Mon, May 03 2010, 6:30 am
I've made this for the past couple of weeks and everybody loved it, thanks!

Just one question - how big are the challahs that you make? I find that rolls take 45 minutes to be ready, and the challahs (even though I make them pretty small) take at least an hour, sometimes more depending on size...?
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Post Mon, May 03 2010, 4:07 pm
SV wrote:
I've made this for the past couple of weeks and everybody loved it, thanks!

Just one question - how big are the challahs that you make? I find that rolls take 45 minutes to be ready, and the challahs (even though I make them pretty small) take at least an hour, sometimes more depending on size...?

I made four challos with the recipe and baked them for 45 min. at 350. Where do you live? Some ovens bake things differently, I think.
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Post Fri, May 14 2010, 7:26 am
I want to thank you for this recipe. I've been making challah regularly for over 35 years and have tried many recipes, always finding the dough to be hard to work with. Yours was fantastic. I followed your order and ingredients exactly, but I mixed it in a food processor (I have the super-jumbo Cuisinart that can accommodate a dough with up to 10 cups of flour).

For Shabbos lunch, I removed one for the freezer first thing in the morning, wrapped it in foil and put it on top of the crock pot. My son said it tasted like it was just baked!

I will have to work out the math as this recipe is kind of small and I'd like to make it with either 8 or 10 cups of flour in one batch. I'll have to get out my calculator.

I'm no longer dreading looking at the dough after rising to find it has barely risen or is too dry and hard to work with.

Thank you.
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Post Sat, May 15 2010, 9:05 pm
OOTBUBBY-this recipe already has 6 1/2 -7 cups flour. Why dont u just double it?

Ive tried this recipe twice. first time-exactly as recipe stated-but I should have followed my instincts and let it rise longer. It was good, but could have been better.

This week, I used the ingredients, but in my ususal order-eggs, water, sugar, salt, oil-first. add flour with yeast next. It ended up rising forever as I had to take dh to a dr. appt and it took over 2 hours. It came out delicious!!
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Post Sun, May 16 2010, 1:49 am
I just made two batches (2 different days) I doubled it the recipe and used ww flour.
They came out beautiful but not much different then my recipe. Thank you for the recipe
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Post Sun, May 16 2010, 6:47 am
shanie5 wrote:
OOTBUBBY-this recipe already has 6 1/2 -7 cups flour. Why dont u just double it?

Ive tried this recipe twice. first time-exactly as recipe stated-but I should have followed my instincts and let it rise longer. It was good, but could have been better.

This week, I used the ingredients, but in my ususal order-eggs, water, sugar, salt, oil-first. add flour with yeast next. It ended up rising forever as I had to take dh to a dr. appt and it took over 2 hours. It came out delicious!!

When I made it it only needed a scant 6½ cups, even doubling that would be 13 cups and the mixer (food processor) that I use can only handle 10 cups at a time. I try to us a recipe that will use around 10 cups of flour. I will work out the math when I've got a chance to make this into a 10 cup recipe.
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Post Sun, May 16 2010, 2:22 pm
OOTBubby wrote:
shanie5 wrote:
OOTBUBBY-this recipe already has 6 1/2 -7 cups flour. Why dont u just double it?

Ive tried this recipe twice. first time-exactly as recipe stated-but I should have followed my instincts and let it rise longer. It was good, but could have been better.

This week, I used the ingredients, but in my ususal order-eggs, water, sugar, salt, oil-first. add flour with yeast next. It ended up rising forever as I had to take dh to a dr. appt and it took over 2 hours. It came out delicious!!

When I made it it only needed a scant 6½ cups, even doubling that would be 13 cups and the mixer (food processor) that I use can only handle 10 cups at a time. I try to us a recipe that will use around 10 cups of flour. I will work out the math when I've got a chance to make this into a 10 cup recipe.

Aaahhhhhh, that explains it. I would guess 1 1/2 times the recipe. That would be 9 3/4 cups flour. but its also 1 1/2 eggs shock
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Post Sun, May 16 2010, 2:26 pm
Half eggs isn't a problem as I only use Egg Beaters (egg substitute) anyways, so it is easy to do half an egg. I just haven't had a chance to even consider the proportions to make it in a quantity I want.
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Post Wed, Jun 02 2010, 5:56 pm
I want to use fresh yeast. What does this
1 oz yeast- 2 packages- 1.5 tbsp
mean? Is it 1 oz for fresh yeast or more?
And is it more of a sweet challah? What is the taste like?
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Post Wed, Jun 02 2010, 7:38 pm
I make this all the time, I don't know about fresh yeast. I add more sugar since we like it sweeter,I put in 3/4 cup, try it and then adjust to your taste.
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Post Sun, Jun 06 2010, 6:11 am
Thanks so much for this recipe.
I did it this week for the first time and I only got compliments. Even my 3 brother in laws who came to us for a meal from yeshive liked it a lot, and that must mean something, since they are not easy to please concerning food.

Just one question, do you let the yeast rise with the water before you add everything else, or not?
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Post Thu, Jul 08 2010, 3:41 am
these came out delicious! I was looking for a smaller recipe, bc my other one (flawless btw) by the time I get to baking the last loaves they over rise bc of my teeny tiny oven Smile but these, aside for the braids stretching a bit, came out tasting delicious!
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Post Thu, Jul 08 2010, 7:52 am
Those challahs look great fiddle!

Do these have to be made with wheat flour or can I do it with Spelt. DH can't have wheat and I've never made challah with spelt flour.
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Post Fri, Jul 16 2010, 1:20 am
Using this recipe I made the best challa I have made in 8 years of marriage. Thanks!
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Post Fri, Jul 16 2010, 9:42 am
HELPPP I made the recipe, followed the directions to the T.... now its been an hr since I set it aside to rise and it doesnt look like its moving much...
is it supposed to get much larger?
I know I forsure didnt kill the yeast I was very very careful...
hmmmmphh I dont knw what to do
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Post Fri, Jul 16 2010, 10:14 am
Hey- I made this last night, it also didn't rise during the hours( I punched it down 3 times though during that time, as the recipe says). BUT it rose quite a lot in the oven. I'm hoping itll turn out ok, it looks like normal challah once its baked. I wish there was a way I could taste it though!
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Post Fri, Jul 16 2010, 10:16 am
When I make it, it rises enormously during the hour rising period.
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Post Fri, Jul 16 2010, 1:02 pm
nakatts wrote:
HELPPP I made the recipe, followed the directions to the T.... now its been an hr since I set it aside to rise and it doesnt look like its moving much...
is it supposed to get much larger?
I know I forsure didnt kill the yeast I was very very careful...
hmmmmphh I dont knw what to do
If you followed the recipe to the T and didn't proof the yeast first, then it will look like the Challah isn't rising much. Don't worry. It should still come out good.
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