-> Chinuch, Education & Schooling

Today at 8:08 am
We are most probably moving to the area for next school year. Dh is in klai kodesh aways wears a white and we are a simple family. I would call us out of town yeshivish. My kids only watch and listen to Jewish media.
My husband is a real litvak and siach is not for us, darchei is very big but our crowd is definitely there. I met some people at ykli
And was extremely impressed with the school
And I like the size. I’m concerned about the crowd there. Will my kids be the odd ones out if we don’t go to Florida for vacation or have a wii in the house and will they be demanding high end clothing?
My oldest is 6 if that matters. I did hear that the younger grades are a little more simpler/right wing then the older ones.
Also is there a specific area that is has a lot of ykli or areas with very little ykli families, I am looking at houses in inwood, woodmere and n woodmere, but would really prefer inwood or woodmere.
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Today at 8:37 am
I live in the neighborhood but don't send there so this is just my overall impression. Yes a few years ago they started shifting the yeshiva more to the right however it is still a more upper class clientele. You need to be ready for that.
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