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Forum -> Household Management -> Finances
I ACTUALLY make $300k

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Post Today at 8:47 pm
In case anyone is interested to see the numbers. We are a frum family and actually make $300k. Here is a basic breakdown of our budget. BH we are comfortable but our family is still small and young.

$300k pretax
$220k after tax
3 kids

$69k mortgage
$37k tuition
$22k maiser
$18k groceries
$10k utilities
$14k medical/dental
$3k camp
$7k cars
$3k vacation
$6k cleaning help
$2k restaurants/take out
$1k public transport
$1k yom tov expenses
$2k toiletries/baby supplies
$12k everything else

Total Expenses: $207k
Savings: $13k
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Post Today at 9:15 pm
Enjoy it, keep saving, contribute to any retirement plans that you can (there’s nothing like the power of compound interest). Build up some good travel memories, maybe decorate your house a bit. Because, drumroll, eventually tuition and summer camp eats up a huge chunk. (I think I’m paying at least $65k in tuition and around $10k in camp this year. B”H for healthy children who go to school and camp).
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Post Today at 9:19 pm
$1k Yom Tov expenses?
What does it include
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Post Today at 9:19 pm
My family isnt small and young I don't earn $300k. Im happy for you you have what you have but what is the point of this thread?
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Post Today at 9:22 pm
amother DarkKhaki wrote:
$1k Yom Tov expenses?
What does it include

Food is way more than that, if you make yt at home.
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Post Today at 9:22 pm
What vacations do you do for 3k?
Ours end up costing 15k+
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Post Today at 9:23 pm
amother DarkKhaki wrote:
$1k Yom Tov expenses?
What does it include

Yom tov expenses such as shalach manos, esrog, Chanukah tips, etc.

Forgot to include clothes in budget. About $3k.
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Post Today at 9:23 pm
amother Darkblue wrote:
Food is way more than that, if you make yt at home.

I bet she goes away for yt

Yt expenses for me (three kids) are approx 2-3k each sukkos and pesach, and about 500 each shavuos and rh
600 Purim (costumes, seudah, matanos leevyonim, mishloach manos)
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Post Today at 9:23 pm
amother Antiquewhite wrote:
What vacations do you do for 3k?
Ours end up costing 15k+

A few days in Florida, for example.
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Post Today at 9:24 pm
amother Antiquewhite wrote:
What vacations do you do for 3k?
Ours end up costing 15k+

Can do much cheaper with points!
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Post Today at 9:24 pm
amother Aconite wrote:
I bet she goes away for yt

Yt expenses for me (three kids) are approx 2-3k each sukkos and pesach, and about 500 each shavuos and rh
600 Purim (costumes, seudah, matanos leevyonim, mishloach manos)

We go away for most major yomim tovim. I didn’t include food in the Yom Tov category though, I meant more like non-food things you buy special for yom tov. Purim costumes, Chanukah candles, esrog, etc.
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Post Today at 9:25 pm
amother Hyacinth wrote:
My family isnt small and young I don't earn $300k. Im happy for you you have what you have but what is the point of this thread?

Have you been following the other $300k thread?
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Post Today at 9:27 pm
What are your plans with only 13 k per year in savings?
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Post Today at 9:30 pm
amother Apple wrote:
What are your plans with only 13 k per year in savings?

We have about $350k in savings.

Also, I’m currently a SAHM. Once our youngest is in school I will go back to work which will increase our savings.
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Post Today at 9:35 pm
amother Antiquewhite wrote:
What vacations do you do for 3k?
Ours end up costing 15k+

15k for vacation is exorbitant. There are so many places to go for cheaper. Unless you’re trying to be funny.
Even a trip to Israel from the U.S. shouldn’t be this expensive.
Even arranged tours are around 10k a couple. Where do you flush fifteen?
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Post Today at 10:11 pm
amother Apple wrote:
What are your plans with only 13 k per year in savings?

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Post Today at 10:18 pm
What’s your husbands job?
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