What happens when your pediatrician isn't taking you too seriously? Is it normal thing to do to just check into an er to get answers?
DC is not feeling well on and off for over 3 weeks. Right now kid has a 102 fever for close to week that's not budging. Uti is positive but it's almost a week on meds. 2nd one in 3 weeks.
I feel like going to a Manhattan er checking in and not leaving until I have answers. Am I crazy or do I need a psychiatrist?
You're not crazy. Personally, I'm terrified of the er so I'd rather go to a pa that I know and trust. But I'd also be nervous and insist that they send the urine to a lab to test which antibiotics will work for the particular infection that your dc has. Meanwhile, try to get dc to drink as much water as possible.
No, I wouldn't go to an ER. It is a great way to waste a night.
Do research on child friendly vitamins. Ppl that are prone to UTIs can do well with that.
2nd UTI in 3 weeks is not fun. But you know clearly that the fever is due to the infection.
I would see another ped in the neighborhood if you are really feeling lost.
No, I wouldn't go to an ER. It is a great way to waste a night.
Do research on child friendly vitamins. Ppl that are prone to UTIs can do well with that.
2nd UTI in 3 weeks is not fun. But you know clearly that the fever is due to the infection.
I would see another ped in the neighborhood if you are really feeling lost.
I'm going vitamins. The uti isn't bothering me as much that the kid is ill for over 3 weeks. It's not normal.