-> Recipe Collection
-> Chicken/ Turkey

Wed, Aug 08 2007, 11:26 pm
I have seen a ton of recipes for fried chicken that call for milk or yogurt. What can I use instead? Would soy milk work? I'd love to hear some ideas for substitutions.
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Thu, Aug 09 2007, 7:29 am
soy milk is best but rice milk or almond milk would work. almond milk v. expensive though. coffee rich will also work, but coffee rich is pure poison. there is also such a thing as soy yogurt if you can get a pareve brand.
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Thu, Aug 09 2007, 8:16 am
hey I was gonna say Richs - I guess poison has its pluses too
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chocolate moose

Thu, Aug 09 2007, 12:33 pm
can you find soy yogurt in a plain flavor?
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Tue, Sep 29 2009, 6:13 pm
I use soy milk, unless cooking for MIL, who is allergic to it. The plus side of it, I've found is that it comes in cute little juicebox sizes which are generally all I need for a recipe- so I don't need to find other uses for an entire carton before it goes bad.
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Tue, Sep 29 2009, 6:25 pm
I think Alpro makes plain soy yoghurt.
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chocolate moose

Tue, Sep 29 2009, 8:06 pm
mayo too, depending on recipe
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Tue, Sep 29 2009, 9:15 pm
coffee whitener powder, dilute with water. great in spinach.
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Mrs Bissli

Wed, Sep 30 2009, 6:56 am
for tandoori or curry or asian like dishes, you can also use coconut milk as a substitute, though it would have slightly different (and better in my view) flavour.
Alpro also makes soy alternative for single cream which works nicely, so long as you don't overheat (lest they separate)
You can mix soya milk and plain soya yogurt for parve version of sour milk.
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Wed, Sep 30 2009, 7:31 am
tanachit wrote: | I use soy milk, unless cooking for MIL, who is allergic to it. The plus side of it, I've found is that it comes in cute little juicebox sizes which are generally all I need for a recipe- so I don't need to find other uses for an entire carton before it goes bad. |
I also used to buy those box drinks sized ones until I discovered that I could freeze the soy milk in little ziplock bags in 1/2 cup or 1 cup portions. The soy milk freezes fine & it's a lot cheaper than the box drinks.
OP, I also find soy milk to be a great milk substitute in recipes. When a recipe calls for buttermilk, I substitute soy milk mixed with lemon juice (1 cup soy milk, 1 tsp. lemon), and it always works out fine.
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Wed, Sep 30 2009, 8:42 am
I like rice milk, because it seems to me that most soy milks are very sweet. I also like using coconut milk.
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