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The Beckman’s - Ami Serial
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Post Fri, May 03 2024, 3:20 pm
Yeah yeah it’s a jewish story so the ending must always alway be nice and rosy so fake makes me mad
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Post Fri, May 03 2024, 4:30 pm
How's he planning on earning a living next? And he doesn't seem to have any respect for the income his wife is bringing in.
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Post Sat, May 04 2024, 11:13 pm
amother Orange wrote:
And in the end, Esti saw that Eli just wanted peace and all was good, blah blah blah…

I don’t care what his intentions were towards his family, he treated his wife terribly the whole time. More like a nuisance than a partner. And that was not even addressed.

that is how all amis stories are.
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Post Sun, May 05 2024, 1:58 am
qwerty4 wrote:
There was zero character development in this story. Things went downhill from the beginning and ended on a sour note. I don't think there was one redeemable character.
I am considering switching my subscription to Mishpacha for a little more quality serials.

There was one character who evolved. Esti, in the way she perceived and treated her husband.
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Post Sun, May 05 2024, 2:09 am
Why is everyone giving so much hate to the ending?
I do think it’s possible for men to act horribly when they are undergoing business stress. Eli was under tremendous stress from his family plus from running the business. And grieving from losing his father. On top of that esty was not very supportive (which is normal behavior because she was being mistreated….). Esty kept reminiscing throughout the story that this isn’t how things were earlier in their marriage…. It makes sense that when his stressors went away that he should he calmer and treating her better.
I personally like the ending. I think esty came a long way and grew a lot. (Yea she could’ve just dumped her hubby and his family but hey she stuck it out and got stronger.) I like the idea that the sisters aren’t really dealt with. Sometimes we can’t help if family members are unfair but we need to see the big picture and keep the peace; instead of trying to fix other family members characters…..
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Post Sun, May 05 2024, 6:10 am
I don’t like the ending.
Eli has a lot to apologize for, instead only Esty “grew”. Only she learned that her hubby knows everything best.
They both made mistakes:
Esti by wanting Eli to take the entire inheritance to himself. That’s disgusting.
Eli by treating his wife like an annoying child, instead of the adult and life partner that a wife is.

Only Esti realized her mistakes.
Eli started acting nicer towards Esti but they’re still not real partners. He’s the one in control, he’s the sole decision maker, he’s the one ready to pay for her courses, that’s nice but they should share their finances and then Esti can pay for her own courses.

Esty is not comfortable with Eli. She’s the only one walking on egg shells, he isn’t. He blames her for not being supportive…. For mortgaging their house to Dina? And all those other dumb ideas.
Was he supportive of her? It was hard for her too.
The one thing Esti did wrong was her attitude towards the inheritance, she wanted that Eli should swallow it all himself and allow his mother to get a sliver, ugh.

Both Eli and Esti are not acting so normal in this story. Nobody normal acts like that, unless Eli is a narc or something, but then he would be more abusive.

The father in law isn’t so normal either, the way he left EVERYTHING to Eli. Even the division of the assets in the actual house is left entirely for Eli’s discretion, as if his wife and daughters are all cognitively delayed. As if only boys are responsible and have logical brains. It’s not like his wife and Mimi were all like Dina, who’s a nutcase, they’re normal, at least the same normal as Eli. Mimi sounds more normal than Eli actually. And why doesn’t Mrs Beckman even know about the will? She’s not a 90 yr old lady in a nursing home who forgot, she was out of the loop completely and deliberately. Her loving husband wrote an entire will without breathing a word to her about anything, she didn’t even know it existed. This story tries to portray women as small brainless hapless beings or like little children.

It is not a favor to society to try to train / convince all women to be out of it, that hubby is always right and hubby knows best and we have to accept and respect him and support him no matter what even if our little mind doesn’t understand him right now, because he is much bigger and smarter and we may understand his genius later, or not.
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Post Sun, May 05 2024, 6:26 am
I don’t believe that their marriage was great before the father in law died either. They have deeply rooted issues and big misconceptions about marriage and husband and wife roles in a marriage.
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Post Sun, May 05 2024, 7:30 am
amother OP wrote:
I don’t believe that their marriage was great before the father in law died either. They have deeply rooted issues and big misconceptions about marriage and husband and wife roles in a marriage.

Yep her sister said at one point that the issues weren't new or something similar.

And we had just a week or two ago Eli saying to Esti that she didn't support him all year when she was forever swallowing her criticism.

Very nice she's impressed that he really wants peace with his family; his bright idea and again no discussion about it, with Esti or his sisters, didn't make peace with his sisters.

If we went to visit in 6mths we'll find Eli doing very little, Esti working like crazy and still running the house.

I wonder if next week they'll be the summary from the author that they sometimes do.
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Post Sun, May 05 2024, 1:39 pm
Btw, once we’re on the topic, everyone should know that it’s very very simple to write a halachic will.
We went to a frum lawyer who gave us a halachic will to sign, dh signed that half hour before his death he’s gifting me with everything he (we) own. May he live until 120.
The end.
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Post Sun, May 05 2024, 1:44 pm
amother OP wrote:
Btw, once we’re on the topic, everyone should know that it’s very very simple to write a halachic will.
We went to a frum lawyer who gave us a halachic will to sign, dh signed that half hour before his death he’s gifting me with everything we (he) owns. (May he live until 120). The end.

Yes so important. To many stories of parents passing away with no will and leaving young kids.

May we all live long healthy lives to see our great great grandchildren iyh.
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Post Sun, May 05 2024, 1:46 pm
I don't get how they didn't find the will earlier. It wasn't hidden, was in his office amongst papers and stuff.
It should've been one of the obvious places to look.
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Post Sun, May 05 2024, 1:50 pm
Ridiculous ending
Didn’t ring true at all
And I like happy endings
Suddenly everyone sees the light of clarity and things are all quickly wrapped up
Absurd and defies all logic
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Post Sun, May 05 2024, 2:00 pm
amother Hawthorn wrote:
Ridiculous ending
Didn’t ring true at all
And I like happy endings
Suddenly everyone sees the light of clarity and things are all quickly wrapped up
Absurd and defies all logic

The 'ending' has happened at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of each chapter! Something clicks, Eli says 'peace at all costs', and round and round it goes!
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Post Sun, May 05 2024, 2:02 pm
Yes it was very repetitive and then all wrapped up
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Post Mon, May 06 2024, 12:40 pm
Oh come on, there's for sure going to be a sequel LOL
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Post Mon, May 06 2024, 12:47 pm
amother Daylily wrote:
Oh come on, there's for sure going to be a sequel LOL

If there is I would definitely switch to Mishpacha!
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it’s okay!


Post Mon, May 06 2024, 1:51 pm
I bet this week they'll have an epilogue, Esty and Eli go to marriage counseling and then they finally live happily ever after. This way they can ake all the unhappy letter writers happy again.
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Post Thu, May 09 2024, 1:13 am
This author is known to have endings that leave alot of lose ends. And leaves a lot to the imagination, not in a good way.
So many of us were captivated by the story to the point that we discussed it with friends and family and would be the first thing we read when we got the magazine. And some of us like satisfying endings after investing a year and a half into the plotline. Yes, I know this is fiction but I said what I said. Eli having zero self awareness is really annoying , even when the story isn’t real.
Oh well.
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Post Thu, May 09 2024, 7:53 am
amother Steelblue wrote:
This author is known to have endings that leave alot of lose ends. And leaves a lot to the imagination, not in a good way.
So many of us were captivated by the story to the point that we discussed it with friends and family and would be the first thing we read when we got the magazine. And some of us like satisfying endings after investing a year and a half into the plotline. Yes, I know this is fiction but I said what I said. Eli having zero self awareness is really annoying , even when the story isn’t real.
Oh well.

The first couple of weeks I was like if this comes Out on a book I’ll definitely get it. As the weeks went on I’m like definitely not going to get it if it comes out on a book.
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Post Thu, May 09 2024, 5:00 pm
amother OP wrote:
I don’t like the ending.
Eli has a lot to apologize for, instead only Esty “grew”. Only she learned that her hubby knows everything best.
They both made mistakes:
Esti by wanting Eli to take the entire inheritance to himself. That’s disgusting.
Eli by treating his wife like an annoying child, instead of the adult and life partner that a wife is.

Only Esti realized her mistakes.
Eli started acting nicer towards Esti but they’re still not real partners. He’s the one in control, he’s the sole decision maker, he’s the one ready to pay for her courses, that’s nice but they should share their finances and then Esti can pay for her own courses.

Esty is not comfortable with Eli. She’s the only one walking on egg shells, he isn’t. He blames her for not being supportive…. For mortgaging their house to Dina? And all those other dumb ideas.
Was he supportive of her? It was hard for her too.
The one thing Esti did wrong was her attitude towards the inheritance, she wanted that Eli should swallow it all himself and allow his mother to get a sliver, ugh.

Both Eli and Esti are not acting so normal in this story. Nobody normal acts like that, unless Eli is a narc or something, but then he would be more abusive.

The father in law isn’t so normal either, the way he left EVERYTHING to Eli. Even the division of the assets in the actual house is left entirely for Eli’s discretion, as if his wife and daughters are all cognitively delayed. As if only boys are responsible and have logical brains. It’s not like his wife and Mimi were all like Dina, who’s a nutcase, they’re normal, at least the same normal as Eli. Mimi sounds more normal than Eli actually. And why doesn’t Mrs Beckman even know about the will? She’s not a 90 yr old lady in a nursing home who forgot, she was out of the loop completely and deliberately. Her loving husband wrote an entire will without breathing a word to her about anything, she didn’t even know it existed. This story tries to portray women as small brainless hapless beings or like little children.

It is not a favor to society to try to train / convince all women to be out of it, that hubby is always right and hubby knows best and we have to accept and respect him and support him no matter what even if our little mind doesn’t understand him right now, because he is much bigger and smarter and we may understand his genius later, or not.

I agree with most of what you said.
I think that leaving the business fully to Eli did make sense though. The business was in debt. It’s not like it was lucrative. Eli was basically running the entire thing before his passing anyways.
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