Murphy's Law ("If anything can go wrong, it will") was born at Edwards Air Force Base in 1949 at North Base. It was named after Capt. Edward A. Murphy, an engineer working on Air Force Project MX981, (a project) designed to see how much sudden deceleration a person can stand in a crash.
Thank you Google
Tell me why I get nauseous after looking at my phone for a while
Yeah.. but did you know the real issue was that Murphy designed a sensor to read what happens to the body when shown force and it was put in backwards and they didn't get the readings. The real thing of it was that they were able to be put in backwards. That's why today's plugs and things are different sizes. So that won't happen again
I think nausea with cells phone has to do with blue light. Which also disrupts sleep
A correction fluid or white-out is an opaque, usually white, fluid applied to paper to mask errors in text. ... One of the first forms of correction fluid was invented in 1956 by American secretary Bette Nesmith Graham, founder of Liquid Paper
Thank you Google again
Shucks. I don’t know anything about mascara causing eyelashes to fall out... but I’d definitely switch brands if I had that issue. I love my eyelashes (yes I am vain 😆). That was the worst part of chemo. The lashes and the eyebrows going... BH they grew back and I try not to take them for granted.
Tell me what’s your least favorite thing housework wise. Your favorite.
Once upon a Time, I took a ride into Pennsylvania. I pulled up to the gas pump and sat and sat and sat. About 10 minutes went by and I was thinking wow this is really sucky service. And then I realized Pennsylvania is a pump your own gas state. And I'm from NJ. I quickly learned how to pump gas after that.
Tell me what other state won't let you pump your own gas
“in the states New Jersey and Oregon (counties with more than 40,000 residents), the town of Weymouth, Massachusetts, and the town of Huntington, New York”
Thank you google. I have to look to see how far I am from Weymouth. Good to know