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Yesterday at 6:48 pm
SAHM with a 2.5 yo and friends who also have 2.5 yo and don’t work.
Part time Costco greeter or sample provider and part time ice cream tester.
I also fantasize about running 1 week back-yard camps for very well behaved, semi-artistically inclined 10yo girls where we do art projects and baking but they listen, don’t whine, treat eachother with respect, and don’t make a mess.
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Yesterday at 6:53 pm
Since I went to Seaworld in Orlando when I was 11, I always wanted to be a dolphin trainer and spend my days swimming with the dolphins, lol. Yeah, I don't see that happening for a number of reasons. Reason Number One: Not sure wetsuits come in my current size
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Yesterday at 6:55 pm
Pastry chef - with a specialty in eclairs
I also want to be a movie script approver. Hollywood has gone downhill and I would happily give my opinion for free on what movies should and should not be made (bye bye live action remakes, bye ONLY woke movies)
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Yesterday at 7:08 pm
Hair removal technician. I hate extra body hair
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Yesterday at 7:10 pm
Run an organization that helps girls high schools and moms of teenage girls with guidance of how to help and guide our girls in today world.
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Yesterday at 7:24 pm
Work for Travel and Leisure Magazine as a travel blogger (I think that's what it could be called) I would go sightseeing around the world, stay at the best hotels, and then write reviews.
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Yesterday at 7:26 pm
My dream was always to become a social worker and to volunteer for a worthy organization. Bh I was finally able to go back to school and I'm interning at an amazing organization. It's heavy and I'm juggling a lot, but I keep reminding myself that I'm actually living my dream.
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Yesterday at 7:27 pm
Happily. I hope to make it happen one day.
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Yesterday at 10:57 pm
Would want to flip houses
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Yesterday at 11:12 pm
I have always wanted to be an FBI agent.
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Yesterday at 11:17 pm
Here's my dream schedule
I wake up at 6:00 a.m, exercise, daven, shower and get dressed.
Around 7:00 my children wake up and we enjoy a relaxed morning. I make a fresh breakfast like muffins or sourdough.
Kids go to school and at 9:00 I do consultations. Every day a different subject, all the different things I'm an expert in.
At 10:00 I take a short break and then spend an hour and a half running my Chessed organization that also dabbles in politics or advocacy.
At 12:00 I eat lunch and take a power nap.
At 1:00 I see a client for therapy. Or maybe go to therapy myself. Or both, depending on the day.
2:00 I take some time to decompress or do any errands before the kids come home.
From 3:00 to 8:00 I'm busy with the children and homework, bath time, bedtime, supper. Of course I'm the perfect totally attuned mom and my phone is off.
From 9:00 to 11:00 I work on my other projects. I do medical research and guidance. I also mentor, give a weekly Parsha shiur, and write for a magazine once a month.
Luckily (in my dreams) I'm one of those human beings who doesn't need much sleep to be at their tippity top, and I'm just as mentally sharp at 9:00 a.m. as I am at 11:00 pm. So afterwards I can chill for a while on imamother before getting ready for bed.
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Yesterday at 11:31 pm
Photographer for national geographic or travel blogger
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Yesterday at 11:40 pm
Makeup artist, and I will not be offering after chuppah touch ups…
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Today at 12:18 am
amother Steelblue wrote: | Here's my dream schedule
I wake up at 6:00 a.m, exercise, daven, shower and get dressed.
Around 7:00 my children wake up and we enjoy a relaxed morning. I make a fresh breakfast like muffins or sourdough.
Kids go to school and at 9:00 I do consultations. Every day a different subject, all the different things I'm an expert in.
At 10:00 I take a short break and then spend an hour and a half running my Chessed organization that also dabbles in politics or advocacy.
At 12:00 I eat lunch and take a power nap.
At 1:00 I see a client for therapy. Or maybe go to therapy myself. Or both, depending on the day.
2:00 I take some time to decompress or do any errands before the kids come home.
From 3:00 to 8:00 I'm busy with the children and homework, bath time, bedtime, supper. Of course I'm the perfect totally attuned mom and my phone is off.
From 9:00 to 11:00 I work on my other projects. I do medical research and guidance. I also mentor, give a weekly Parsha shiur, and write for a magazine once a month.
Luckily (in my dreams) I'm one of those human beings who doesn't need much sleep to be at their tippity top, and I'm just as mentally sharp at 9:00 a.m. as I am at 11:00 pm. So afterwards I can chill for a while on imamother before getting ready for bed. |
Hilarious. I read this with a crisp classy English accent and the necessary accompanying hand movements. I'm exhausted at even a quarter of your schedule!!
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