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Tue, Jun 08 2021, 5:20 pm
Sweet Sour wrote: | Sure! Im first! (which I can go right now)
Do you use real or disposable baking tins?
Bonus Question What can I make for supper with minced meat?? |
Both, depends on what I'm baking. If fish, for sure disposable.
Do I get a reward if I answer your bonus question???
Minced meat:
1- balls cooked in tomato sauce, cover with sliced potatoes, u gain a one pot meal
2- balls and cook like in a soup - u get meat flavored soup.
3- meatloaf, baked
4- spread 1/2 pkt. rolled out flaky dough in greased pan (should cover entire pan) poke holes in dough, spread minced meat mixture evenly on dough, cover with other 1/2 rolled out dough stretch to cover entire meat. poke holes in dough to avoid rising. With sharp knife cut squares (how big u want portions to be) 3/4 way down- not entirely, brush dough with raw egg, bake.
5- I've also made it with thin turkey or salami slices under meat and above, for a fancier look.
6- If u want to patchke and also have minced turkey or chicken, you can make two layered pie, or 2 colors swissroll.
7- Then there's the famous British Shepherd's Pie - mashed potato, minced meat mixture, and mashed potato on top, bake.
8- If you're in a festive and not tired mood, mix meat with partly cooked rice and fill peppers and cook in sauce, or fill cabbage slices and close like envelopes and cook in sauce.
9 - Moussaka. (sorry, my mind is too tired to explain recipe)
This is all the recipes I can think off "on one foot."
Do you prefer baking plain but tasty cakes which don't need separating eggs, or u like making fancier cakes, layered with cream, frosting, etc?
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Sweet Sour
Wed, Jun 09 2021, 11:52 am
Thanks a mill! Simcha4, you are the kindest! All these sound yum... With the bonus points you can treat yourself to something yummy from your freezer
I always prefer making simpler cakes. I prefer to patchke with fruit and veg and more savoury baking or cooking.
Do you prefer to bathe or shower? And do you prefer to wash yourself in the morning or evening?
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Wed, Jun 09 2021, 4:34 pm
Sweet Sour wrote: | Thanks a mill! Simcha4, you are the kindest! All these sound yum... With the bonus points you can treat yourself to something yummy from your freezer
I always prefer making simpler cakes. I prefer to patchke with fruit and veg and more savoury baking or cooking.
Do you prefer to bathe or shower? And do you prefer to wash yourself in the morning or evening? |
My pleasure. Tx so much for your "permission" to treat myself to s/thing yummy from my freezer I had a generous helping of dairy ice cream. yummm
I like relaxing in a bath.
What scares u more - flying on a 'plane or travelling on a ship?
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Ima Piano
Thu, Jun 10 2021, 8:26 am
Ship scares me more. Boat accidents are more likely to happen than plane crashes.
Whats your favorite food
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Thu, Jun 10 2021, 12:31 pm
Ima Piano wrote: | Ship scares me more. Boat accidents are more likely to happen than plane crashes.
Whats your favorite food |
nosh: Rosemarie chocolate
food: shakshuka with melted cheese
Who's your favorite Jewish singer?
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Sweet Sour
Thu, Jun 10 2021, 4:10 pm
No faves. Don`t understand to music but I love yiddish nachos cd`s for its purity.
Do you ever serve same supper/dinner twice in a row?
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Thu, Jun 10 2021, 5:04 pm
Sweet Sour wrote: | No faves. Don`t understand to music but I love yiddish nachos cd`s for its purity.
Do you ever serve same supper/dinner twice in a row? |
Sure. I cook many times for two suppers - 2 days in a row.
Do you and your husband each have separate cars?
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Tof Umachol
Sat, Jun 12 2021, 3:34 pm
simcha4 wrote: |
Do you and your husband each have separate cars? |
No. We have one car.
Do you attend smachos without your husband?
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Sat, Jun 12 2021, 5:07 pm
Tof Umachol wrote: | No. We have one car.
Do you attend smachos without your husband? |
Not always.
If you live/d in an apt. building what was the highest floor you lived on?
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Ima Piano
Sat, Jun 12 2021, 8:50 pm
So far 2nd.
What was something good you ate today
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Sat, Jun 12 2021, 9:19 pm
Ima Piano wrote: | So far 2nd.
What was something good you ate today |
Didn't eat yet today.
In U.S. is it only the girls schools that have off Sundays, or also boys' chedorim and yeshivas?
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Ima Piano
Sat, Jun 12 2021, 9:57 pm
Usually the boys have cheder on Sunday. Lots of girls school here too but depending.
What is something that is hard for you
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Sat, Jun 12 2021, 10:03 pm
Ima Piano wrote: | Usually the boys have cheder on Sunday. Lots of girls school here too but depending.
What is something that is hard for you |
Giving a speech to a large audience.
Something that you yearn to do but just can't...yet?
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Ima Piano
Sat, Jun 12 2021, 10:09 pm
Write a book. For real.
I also can't stick up for myself alot. Need to work on it.
Why am I tired again
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Sat, Jun 12 2021, 10:36 pm
Because it is 1 am
Do you skip some simchas sometimes?
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Ima Piano
Sat, Jun 12 2021, 11:17 pm
Yes. Its not so nice of me but I get lazy
Do you?
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Sun, Jun 13 2021, 6:38 am
Ima Piano wrote: | Yes. Its not so nice of me but I get lazy
Do you? |
Do I?!?!? I might as well get some pain off my heart even if it isn't the right place.
My one and only precious most darlingest sister married off her oldest child - a daughter (her only daughter) this past Thursday. Months, we were thinking, planning, preparing to go - they live in England. Well, as the saying goes, "ah mentsch tracht un G-t Lacht."
I know that ALL that Hashem Does is for the best for the person -
so why am I still in so much pain and yearning????
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Sun, Jun 13 2021, 7:26 am
Because sometimes we think we are missing out when being absent of event even more so than the joy of being there.
What are some vacation activities planned?
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Sun, Jun 13 2021, 7:55 am
dankbar wrote: | Because sometimes we think we are missing out when being absent of event even more so than the joy of being there.
What are some vacation activities planned? |
I'm sorry, I don't understand your answer. But thank you for trying.
None planned, yet.
Do you speak on the phone to family living overseas or do you text more?
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Sweet Sour
Sun, Jun 13 2021, 10:57 am
Speak . bc it works out crazy expensive to text internationally on my sim.
What did you eat today?
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