My beach wall. It was 2020 COVID has just started I was bummed that beaches were off limits. My best friend sent me a wall decor printed with the beach.... Unfortunately it took me forever to put it up.. till this year when I got a new bed... But oh was it glorious when it went up .. here..
Tell me about the best present you got for someone else
Well my current job .... I love the actual work. But the commute is minimum 1.5 hours. Can be up to 2. And while I do work at the computer I am in an open area and there is a lot of noise around that makes it hard to follow and it's freezing.
Tell me about the funkiest pair of glasses frames you saw. What did it look like.
Well my current job .... I love the actual work. But the commute is minimum 1.5 hours. Can be up to 2. And while I do work at the computer I am in an open area and there is a lot of noise around that makes it hard to follow and it's freezing.
Tell me about the funkiest pair of glasses frames you saw. What did it look like.
Wow that's a long commute!! Can you wear earphones? And bring a warm sweater!
I've seen a frame each side a different shape
In seminary I had a movies in Torah chorus for a very short time but it was really cool to like look at the movies and then you know learn Torah concepts out of them
Tell me about the things you like to do on your days off.
Bh I have a washing machine! Unlike my grandmother who used a washing board.
I also have a dryer! I’m very blessed! I even wash delicate stuff in the machine.
It has a crumpled white table cloths on it waiting to get the crumbs off tomorrow.
The challah board is there, and other remnants.
It’s waiting patiently for it’s Sunday morning clean up.