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Today at 5:23 am
amother Silver wrote: | I've been in Gateshead for a few years now and really love it! Yes it's difficult that there are so few shops and you can't get some things however it's such a great community. We are not the typical family you would think of when you think Gateshead but then again Gateshead has changed. Most people are very accepting of everyone. And yes the housing is bh so affordable, not worth renting... |
Such interesting responses, so positive! My relative who lives there called last night, the way she was talking about how she loves livibg there makes me wonder if she saw this thread!
She said that the 'lack' of shops & amenities which visitors see as a negative thing, is actually one of the main positives! She said they aren't lacking anything, and yes it can get frustrating, but that's what makes it a calm & relaxing place to live, very little competition.
I actually remember when she moved there, she had a few little kids, and gave birth soon after she arrived. My aunt remembers going to help her after the birth, and was amazed that she was so part and parcel! Now she has a couple of sisters/sils there, but even without, everyone was just so nice! One of her kid's teachers sent shabbos in, a neighbour hosted the bris, an organisation sent a young woman in for 2 hours a morning for 10 days to look after her baby so she could sleep...
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