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Forum -> Children's Health
What could this be?? Fever spiking at night...

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Post Yesterday at 6:20 pm
I posted the other day regarding a possible UTI in dd3. To recap, it's her fourth time this month getting sick with fever. Once a week for the past month she's gotten a high fever of about 103.5/104 that has lasted about 3 days. Until this week. Sunday she spiked a fever 104. Dh took her to doc. Doc did throat culture, checked ears, lungs, all clear and fine. Tried to get a urine sample, we're still working on that. We may have to go the catheter route, which they don't do in office. They also swabbed her nose and eye still waiting for results, which were supposed to have come by today, and haven't, which I'm NOT happy about.
Anyway, yesterday did woke up with no fever. She was still tired and low energy and spent most of the day on the couch. But sometime in the late afternoon, she suddenly got a burst of energy and was seemingly fine. We took her temp before going to bed, bam- 101.8. Then today, she also woke up with no fever. Was very cranky in the morning though, still low energy, but again later in the afternoon was seemingly better. But when we took her temp it was 103.5 again!!! We've had enough. Our poor daughter is suffering, hasn't been at school all week. We've been missing work. And we don't have answers. Has anyone gone through something similar??
A whole month of weekly fevers like this???
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Post Yesterday at 6:36 pm
You should take her to a hematologist or have her primary do blood work.
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Post Yesterday at 6:45 pm
Usually with a virus the fever breaks in the morning and comes back at night. But that usually means that they’re getting better
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Post Yesterday at 6:54 pm
You need bloodwork, a sono and a full work up. Maybe go to the hospital like that other another who just dealt with this.
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Post Yesterday at 7:01 pm
I mean I can't speak for a whole month, but fever is naturally Spike at night. They're generally higher at night than during the day part of the way the immune system works
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Post Yesterday at 7:28 pm
amother NeonYellow wrote:
I mean I can't speak for a whole month, but fever is naturally Spike at night. They're generally higher at night than during the day part of the way the immune system works

I know that it's normal for fevers to spike at night. But I was under the impression that "spike" means to 100/101ish. Not 103.5!!
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Post Yesterday at 8:10 pm
I so feel your pain! My 1yo has this too! They were on 2 rounds of zpack and 10 days of ceftinir this month. Still spiking to 104/105.3 every night getting Motrin, Tylenol and baths to bring it down to 103 can’t get it lower than that until around 11am. The past 48hrs also vomiting and diarrhea.
I just aaked the dr if I should go to the ER and he said no. I should come to him in the AM and we’ll discuss then.
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Post Yesterday at 8:12 pm
:)iknowit wrote:
I so feel your pain! My 1yo has this too! They were on 2 rounds of zpack and 10 days of ceftinir this month. Still spiking to 104/105.3 every night getting Motrin, Tylenol and baths to bring it down to 103 can’t get it lower than that until around 11am. The past 48hrs also vomiting and diarrhea.
I just aaked the dr if I should go to the ER and he said no. I should come to him in the AM and we’ll discuss then.

Oyyyy I'm so sorry Sad hope your baby gets better really soon!! It's so tough to watch😭😭
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Post Yesterday at 8:55 pm
my 2 year old had fever for a couple days. seemed like upper respiratory infection. Then she felt better...a week later she had fever for 3 days. Wasn't strep. I'm thinking she had covid..it seem a like its going around. Doctor said most flu tests he took on kids have all been negative.
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