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Today at 4:53 am
Found that thread hilarious! If thousands and thousands of people live in a town, with people moving in in droves, there must be plenty positives there. Otherwise why would it be so popular?(Never been there tho).
Gateshead's also growing I believe, so let's hear what people like about it. I have relatives there, they looove it. Been there for Simchos a couple of times, it's so friendly, I found that it's a slower paced and relaxed lifestyle.
Would love to hear from those who live there!
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Today at 10:07 am
I havent been to gateshead in so long. Has it change that much to be compared to the current lakewood??
Where can gateshead expand too? Please dont tell me its been over run by gashmius and frivolity!!
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Today at 12:29 pm
amother Chicory wrote: | I havent been to gateshead in so long. Has it change that much to be compared to the current lakewood??
Where can gateshead expand too? Please dont tell me its been over run by gashmius and frivolity!! |
From what I hear, it's moved on, but still way behind the rest of the world Gashmius-wise. I have nephews in Yeshiva there, and other relatives and they seem so happy there. I thinks there's very little living up to the Cohen's etc.
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Today at 12:31 pm
What are Wednesday buns? And while I'm at it, what are 'S cakes' that my Yeshiva bochur nephews talk about?? And why only on Fridays??
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Today at 12:31 pm
Very affordable housing BH!
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Today at 12:34 pm
Yes! My relative said she paid the equivalent of $200K for a 4 bedroom house, or maybe 5 b/r, not sure exactly.
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Today at 4:28 pm
Yes but there are still like 3 shops in total, nothing like any major kehilla elsewhere. And do the school children still come home for lunch every day?
It is a very poor town both within and outside the kehilla. Hearing the fights and police and stabbings in the next street is real fun for little boys and not so much for their parents.
It is a bit like a shtetl
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Today at 4:33 pm
amother Bellflower wrote: | Yes but there are still like 3 shops in total, nothing like any major kehilla elsewhere. And do the school children still come home for lunch every day?
It is a very poor town both within and outside the kehilla. Hearing the fights and police and stabbings in the next street is real fun for little boys and not so much for their parents.
It is a bit like a shtetl |
Only the high school boys from one of the schools here go home for lunch. But yes, we have only a few shops - 2 groceries, (now) 2 bakeries, a butcher and a fruit store. Plus a clothing+accessories shop, homewares and many home stores/businesses.
Not sure about the stabbings, but within the few streets where the Yidden live there aren't so many brawls or incidents where the police show up.
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Today at 4:38 pm
amother Bellflower wrote: | Yes but there are still like 3 shops in total, nothing like any major kehilla elsewhere. And do the school children still come home for lunch every day?
It is a very poor town both within and outside the kehilla. Hearing the fights and police and stabbings in the next street is real fun for little boys and not so much for their parents.
It is a bit like a shtetl |
Do you live here?
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Today at 4:57 pm
Doesn't seem like she does, she asked if the children still come home for lunch.
Gateshead has a pretty 'shtetly' name, many people think of it as a backward kinda place. But it's not these days. There are many people moving in constantly, there are like 700+ families by now. Sure there are interesting, extremely heavy families. But there are a huge number of young, typical families who are taking advantage of the kollelim, space to open new businesses and affordable housing.
My father grew up here. In his words, Gateshead used to be 90%+ kollel people, and a few 'modern' working guys. Today it's probably 50-50... And working people are not considered modern just because they have a job.
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Today at 5:12 pm
amother Brunette wrote: | Doesn't seem like she does, she asked if the children still come home for lunch.
Gateshead has a pretty 'shtetly' name, many people think of it as a backward kinda place. But it's not these days. There are many people moving in constantly, there are like 700+ families by now. Sure there are interesting, extremely heavy families. But there are a huge number of young, typical families who are taking advantage of the kollelim, space to open new businesses and affordable housing.
My father grew up here. In his words, Gateshead used to be 90%+ kollel people, and a few 'modern' working guys. Today it's probably 50-50... And working people are not considered modern just because they have a job. |
Off topic, but what's an extremely heavy family?
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Today at 5:18 pm
amother Brunette wrote: | Doesn't seem like she does, she asked if the children still come home for lunch.
Gateshead has a pretty 'shtetly' name, many people think of it as a backward kinda place. But it's not these days. There are many people moving in constantly, there are like 700+ families by now. Sure there are interesting, extremely heavy families. But there are a huge number of young, typical families who are taking advantage of the kollelim, space to open new businesses and affordable housing.
My father grew up here. In his words, Gateshead used to be 90%+ kollel people, and a few 'modern' working guys. Today it's probably 50-50... And working people are not considered modern just because they have a job. |
I agree.
I dont live there but come from time to time and have relatives there in sem and yeshiva.
When I was in sem there I rrally didnt enjoy it, but I think that was more doen to being homesick.
The housing prices are great too!
My sil bought a house a while ago, they have since done an extension, pesach kitchen, built in sukka etc would never be able to do that elsewhere.
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Today at 5:39 pm
amother OP wrote: | What are Wednesday buns? And while I'm at it, what are 'S cakes' that my Yeshiva bochur nephews talk about?? And why only on Fridays?? |
Those are marzipan cakes, they're yum!
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Today at 5:41 pm
amother Bellflower wrote: | Yes but there are still like 3 shops in total, nothing like any major kehilla elsewhere. And do the school children still come home for lunch every day?
It is a very poor town both within and outside the kehilla. Hearing the fights and police and stabbings in the next street is real fun for little boys and not so much for their parents.
It is a bit like a shtetl |
Right. Whilst most people have cars there, my sil and bil only just got one and they managed for years and years without. Everything is within walking distance besides for the supermarkets, malls etc.
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Today at 5:43 pm
amother Dill wrote: | I agree.
I dont live there but come from time to time and have relatives there in sem and yeshiva.
When I was in sem there I rrally didnt enjoy it, but I think that was more doen to being homesick.
The housing prices are great too!
My sil bought a house a while ago, they have since done an extension, pesach kitchen, built in sukka etc would never be able to do that elsewhere. |
We did that in Manchester bh, we happened to find our house for very very cheap though, and had to put money in to do it all up. Everything needed doing. Because we bought it so cheap, we've since done a big extension. BH . But I agree it's way more doable in Gateshead. My friend did it there too.
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Today at 5:44 pm
Very very yeshivish. Heavy as in very very frum.
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