-> Children's Health

Wed, Jul 06 2022, 10:29 am
amother [ OP ] wrote: | please post your favorite LGBTQ hypocrisy/contradiction. This is for the sake of truth, and for the sake of protecting children, not just for mocking people pointlessly. These are very unfortunate people who deserve our pity. |
Everyone is free to choose their own gender. Whatever they say is real and true, and anyone who disagrees is a somethingphobe.
... Except for women who believe female-ness is linked to biological s-x and/or lived experience. Those people are TERFs and anything you do to them is fair game.
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Wed, Jul 06 2022, 10:34 am
And a spin on one OP mentioned:
Conversion therapy is illegal. Because people struggling with their gender identity are mentally and emotionally vulnerable, and could be easily influenced by an authority figure (therapist) to do things that will harm them.
OTOH, gender-affirming therapy is not only legal but recommended. Because there's no fear that people struggling with their gender identity will be influenced by an authority figure. Gender identity is deep and innate.
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Wed, Jul 06 2022, 10:38 am
ora_43 wrote: | And a spin on one OP mentioned:
Conversion therapy is illegal. Because people struggling with their gender identity are mentally and emotionally vulnerable, and could be easily influenced by an authority figure (therapist) to do things that will harm them.
OTOH, gender-affirming therapy is not only legal but recommended. Because there's no fear that people struggling with their gender identity will be influenced by an authority figure. Gender identity is deep and innate. |
Conversion therapy is illegal because its harmful and doesn't work.
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Wed, Jul 06 2022, 10:40 am
Here’s a different perspective:
I’m a mom of a trans kid. I’m pretty conservative in my views so it took me a while to accept my child’s struggles. We agreed to allow her to dress according to her preferred gender after a suicide attempt but we won’t support medical intervention until she can legally vote. ( obviously we live in a very modern neighborhood and she attends a supportive school) She is struggling. She is lost. She is on the spectrum and is just trying to figure out her place in the world. Many kids are like that and they deserve our compassion, not judgement. My heart cries every day for her.
Please don’t jump on me and talk to me about how assur or wrong it is. It’s easy to throw shade when you don’t have to really confront it.
It hurts bad when people compare her to pedophiles. She isn’t hurting anyone.
Just some food for thought.
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Wed, Jul 06 2022, 10:48 am
amother [ Charcoal ] wrote: | Conversion therapy is illegal because its harmful and doesn't work. |
Says who?
The same "authorities" who say a boy can be a girl?
The same "authorities" who say mutilating and permanently making infertile children is good?
Stop believing the BS that conversion therapy is harmful and doesn't work. And all the other BS.
That's how these evil authorities come to power.
And what right does GOVERNMENT have from FORBIDDING ADULTS from choosing conversion therapy? What happened to "my body, my choice"?
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Wed, Jul 06 2022, 10:51 am
#BestBubby wrote: | Says who?
The same "authorities" who say a boy can be a girl?
The same "authorities" who say mutilating and permanently making infertile children is good?
Stop believing the BS that conversion therapy is harmful and doesn't work. And all the other BS.
That's how these evil authorities come to power.
And what right does GOVERNMENT have from FORBIDDING ADULTS from choosing conversion therapy? What happened to "my body, my choice"? |
No - says almost anyone who has gone through it - or has seen what conversion therapy involves.
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Wed, Jul 06 2022, 10:51 am
amother [ Jade ] wrote: | Here’s a different perspective:
I’m a mom of a trans kid. I’m pretty conservative in my views so it took me a while to accept my child’s struggles. We agreed to allow her to dress according to her preferred gender after a suicide attempt but we won’t support medical intervention until she can legally vote. ( obviously we live in a very modern neighborhood and she attends a supportive school) She is struggling. She is lost. She is on the spectrum and is just trying to figure out her place in the world. Many kids are like that and they deserve our compassion, not judgement. My heart cries every day for her.
Please don’t jump on me and talk to me about how assur or wrong it is. It’s easy to throw shade when you don’t have to really confront it.
It hurts bad when people compare her to pedophiles. She isn’t hurting anyone.
Just some food for thought. |
A lot of the victims of the transgender movement are autistic. And they do have our compassion. Hence this entire thread, because we are horrified at the suffering thrust upon our youth. Because some suffering is inevitable and some is preventable. No one compared your daughter to a pedophile. We said the next agenda of the left will be legalizing pedophelia.
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Wed, Jul 06 2022, 10:56 am
I just read this article by Leor Sapir after hearing him speak on a podcast. He discusses the phycological reasons it's mostly white girls transitioning to boys, it's all about social status. Also, he states that these girls have never had a romantic relationship with either a boy or a girl before deciding to change their gender.
Take a few minutes and read the article I linked to below.
Last edited by madys on Wed, Jul 06 2022, 10:57 am; edited 1 time in total
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Wed, Jul 06 2022, 10:57 am
more hypocrisy:
1) everyone has a right to speak their "truth" - unless it goes against the LGBTQ agenda. I.e. a straight cisgender religious individual? BORING! How dare you question that gender is nonbinary? It's a micro agression! A crime!
2) everyone has a right to their freedom - except the vast majority of cisgender individuals who want safety and privacy in their bathrooms.
3) gender affirming therapy is mandated - unless it is affirming the actual gender! Not if it affirms the fake gender caused by trauma, or mental illness, etc.
In Matt Walsh's documentary, he asked a woman on the street if he believes her not to exist, would she still exist. She says, she would stop existing. So Matt says, Ok I believe you don't exist, yet you still do, we are here having this conversation. She says, "are we?" as if to question the reality of the conversation itself. So absurd.
Walt - a detransitioner who lives 8 years as a woman and went back to man - has a website sexchangeregret.com. He says 100% of the time the individuals are able to isolate the reason for their gender confusion. 100% of the time! All they need is REAL counseling and they would be comfortable in their skin like they deserve. Instead the "treatment" makes them truly feel like a freak of nature and truly suicidal, some for the first time! In Walt's case, his grandma cross dressed him as a girl when he was 4 leading to deep shame and confusion, and then he was sxually abused at 9.
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Wed, Jul 06 2022, 10:58 am
What is the point of this thread?
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Wed, Jul 06 2022, 10:59 am
amother [ Charcoal ] wrote: | No - says almost anyone who has gone through it - or has seen what conversion therapy involves. |
Fake news. Not at all "almost anyone"
Sure some people not satisfied. That's not "almost anyone"
If that was true, the government would not have to outlaw it, they would go out of business.
The fact that the government had to outlaw it proves had lots of satisfied customers.
Government does not allow confused children who under social pressure, identified as Gay to change their mind.
Government does not allow confused children who under social pressure, identified as Trans to change their mind.
It is ILLEGAL for therapist to suggest to child that maybe they are not trans. Maybe they were just experimenting.
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Wed, Jul 06 2022, 11:01 am
#BestBubby wrote: | Fake news. Not at all "almost anyone"
Sure some people not satisfied. That's not "almost anyone"
If that was true, the government would not have to outlaw it, they would go out of business.
The fact that the government had to outlaw it proves had lots of satisfied customers.
Government does not allow confused children who under social pressure, identified as Gay to change their mind.
Government does not allow confused children who under social pressure, identified as Trans to change their mind.
It is ILLEGAL for therapist to suggest to child that maybe they are not trans. Maybe they were just experimenting. |
No. They are in business because people will try anything to be 'normal' and not sinners.
Your indirect proofs don't hold up.
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Wed, Jul 06 2022, 11:01 am
amother [ Charcoal ] wrote: | What is the point of this thread? |
To wake people up to the danger and evil of the Left and the evil Lefty doctors and therapists.
And that parental rights have been abolished.
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Wed, Jul 06 2022, 11:03 am
amother [ OP ] wrote: | please post your favorite LGBTQ hypocrisy/contradiction. This is for the sake of truth, and for the sake of protecting children, not just for mocking people pointlessly. These are very unfortunate people who deserve our pity.
They claim:
1) sx and gender are 2 different things. sx cannot change but gender can. So why the surgery if sx can never change??
2) Conversion therapy is illegal - we cannot try to help people with their thoughts and feelings yet we can change their bodies!
3) children cannot consent to sx, vote, or drive, yet they can consent to dangerous, life altering surgery
4) they claim the surgery and hormones lower risk of suicide, it is actually found to increase it.
5) They say a transgender woman is a woman, and a woman means someone who identifies as such. But they have not defined woman. Can a person identify as a genius? as a professor? as a dog? as a witch? as another person (I.e. their brother)?
6) they say that gender and sx are 2 different things and that the surgery is to make their sx and gender align with each other. but if they are 2 totally separate things, HOW can you possibly align them, if supposedly they have nothing to do with each other?!?!
7) weight loss surgery, kidney donation surgery, etc. require extensive counseling, yet to butcher someone's body and make them unable to urinate, have relations, org@sm, look normal, or reproduce, there is NO counseling required or provided, in fact this is illegal in many states!
8) they say gender is a spectrum but EVERY human exists because a male sperm met female egg. So actually there are only 2 genders. period.
9) People who don't approve/believe in transgender are called "transphobic." if someone doesn't believe in G-d, are they G-dphobic??? Of course not.
I can go on and on. |
My personal favorite: Gender is a construct and we should let kids be who they want to be without imposing rigid gender norms. But if your son likes glitter instead of trucks, that means he wants to be a girl. And if your daughter is into sports instead of princesses then that means she's really a boy. Who was saying what about the rigidity of gender norms?
An unapologetic tomboy. Who is very much and in every way a woman, because duh, I have lady parts. The end.
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Wed, Jul 06 2022, 11:04 am
amother [ OP ] wrote: | A lot of the victims of the transgender movement are autistic. And they do have our compassion. Hence this entire thread, because we are horrified at the suffering thrust upon our youth. Because some suffering is inevitable and some is preventable. No one compared your daughter to a pedophile. We said the next agenda of the left will be legalizing pedophelia. |
… from my experience of talking to “friends” and others who discussed transgenderism and pedophilia in the same breath.
The suffering is there, regardless. Yes, many autistic kids go through this because they experience the world completely different than neuro typical people. Not because society is thrusting it upon them. These issues have been around since the beginning of mankind, it’s not a new thing. We just label it differently now.
Also, some of your facts are just completely wrong. You shouldn’t just swallow every sentence uttered by Ben Shapiro and co. Real evidence-based studies don’t agree with you and are calling your “facts” one-sided and sloppy.
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Wed, Jul 06 2022, 11:04 am
amother [ Charcoal ] wrote: | No. They are in business because people will try anything to be 'normal' and not sinners.
Your indirect proofs don't hold up. |
ADULTS have the right to try anything they CHOOSE.
Not GOVERNMENTS right to make decisions for adults.
Especially when it is obvious the Government is recruiting children to identify as gay or trans. Government preventing them from backing out by OUTLAWING therapists from supporting them to return to their true orientation.
Last edited by #BestBubby on Wed, Jul 06 2022, 11:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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Wed, Jul 06 2022, 11:06 am
It’s fascinating how every single person here agrees that gender changing surgery or hormones for children is harmful, horrible and shouldn’t be allowed to happen.
Even the parent of a trans child agrees that children shouldn’t be allowed to do permanent damage to themselves.
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Wed, Jul 06 2022, 11:07 am
#BestBubby wrote: | ADULTS have the right to try anything they CHOOSE.
Not GOVERNMENTS right to make decisions for adults.
Especially when it is obvious the Government is recruiting children to identify as gay or trans. |
I see you've backed away from your argument - and into Libertarianism. Totally different discussion.
But going back to conversion therapy:
I tend to agree with the RCA - therapy should be regulated by professional associations, not the government.
Same with all medical care.
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Wed, Jul 06 2022, 11:09 am
amother [ Charcoal ] wrote: | I see you've backed away from your argument - and into Libertarianism. Totally different discussion.
But going back to conversion therapy:
https://web.archive.org/web/20.....05723 |
What argument have I backed away from?
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Wed, Jul 06 2022, 11:09 am
amother [ Jade ] wrote: | … from my experience of talking to “friends” and others who discussed transgenderism and pedophilia in the same breath.
The suffering is there, regardless. Yes, many autistic kids go through this because they experience the world completely different than neuro typical people. Not because society is thrusting it upon them. These issues have been around since the beginning of mankind, it’s not a new thing. We just label it differently now.
Also, some of your facts are just completely wrong. You shouldn’t just swallow every sentence uttered by Ben Shapiro and co. Real evidence-based studies don’t agree with you and are calling your “facts” one-sided and sloppy. |
So you think children should have their genitals chopped off? You think there is such a thing as people who are not male or female? (intersex people are still male or female with s-xual disorders but still binary). I'd love to hear which of my "facts are wrong." I am recounting the experiences of real people. are you denying their truth?
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