Black and white. It’s always surprising to see touched up pictures from way back when... it’s odd for me to think that the world back then had vibrant colors!
Tell me a myth you once believed that has since been debunked.
I always wanted to be a piano teacher or a music therapist.
I actually took a music therapy course but the teacher didnt want to help me make up the last class that I missed and therefore she didnt give me the certificate that you need to be a music therapist.
There went my money & time
I just woke up at 4 something am. Couldn't really fall back asleep and I looked and I first went to sleep about 5 hours before. So I guess, I can only sleep for about 5 hours at a time. It's weird the way the body adjusts and stuff. At least the good news is I have enough time for a shower this morning. Which I'm going to go up for now. Shower doesn't take long... It's the towel time that I enjoy most./need a bit of. To make the transition easier.
Tell me about the origin of the ballpoint pen. (If it's easier to find. Look up the Bic company) (then for a tell me, you can ask me something that sparks interest based on what you find)
Ballpoint pen? Was this the one NASA invented for using in space and Russia solved the writing/gravity issue by bringing...PENCILS??
I’ll have to double check if that’s the one. I know my son tells me about it.
Tell me another example of an intense solution used when one could’ve just used the simple and obvious...
I had gotten logged out of Imamother (many children touching my phone these days) and I didn’t know my password so I decided to take a break for a day. It was nice. That’s vacation these days!
My husband is finishing his first year of medical school tomorrow BH! Tell me ideas of celebrating in quarantine
Not scary but I had a ridiculous interview with a woman who was halfway on her way out of town so it was a very short interview... from my end, it seemed like I had gotten the job just needed a few more formalities put into place (such as creating the actual position I was interviewed for). Anyhow... I reached out to her numerous times to follow up and it was always “try me again in a week. I’ll have more info then. Still working on creating the position.” Till finally one day two to three months (!) later, a week after my last email, I hear roundabout that the position has been filled...! Huh?? When I reached out to said interviewer to try to figure out what I was missing that she did not accept me for the position, she said “oh we never really had an interview. That was just a meeting of the minds...” what???😖 yeah... not scary just a nightmare. I felt very strung along. Anyway, lesson learned. It’s good idea to pursue a second option if there is nothing definitive being offered. And second lesson: there are obnoxious people in the world. Sigh.
Depends on what. Most things I realized that the other person had their own issues which is why they acted the way they did. I also remind myself that God knows the full story, which I am not privy to. And that justice will be served even if it's not instant karma. And even if I never find out.
Tell me about a time you saw a case of instant karma. (Nothing too awful)