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-> Cute Stories

Thu, Feb 07 2019, 10:33 pm
I cant get over this. Im in my room taking care of baby whike chesed girl is playing with my 3 year old. I hear my 3 yr old telling bais yakov 14 year old... My totty and mommy sleep in one bed... They r friends cuz they always hugging..
Chesed girl asks how do u know.?.. My daughter says.. ( she shows her tight hug)
Im speechless and mortified
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Thu, Feb 07 2019, 10:50 pm
You did nothing wrong. The chesed girl was out of line. But you know what? It's cute. Your daughter knows her parents love each other. That's wonderful.
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Fri, Feb 08 2019, 12:33 am
amother wrote: | You did nothing wrong. The chesed girl was out of line. But you know what? It's cute. Your daughter knows her parents love each other. That's wonderful. |
Agreed. Most adults know to just say “hmm, that’s nice. Do you want the blue crayon now?”
Your daughter feels secure that you love each other and love her. It’s the most wonderful thing you can do for your children.
Don’t give it another thought.
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Fri, Feb 08 2019, 1:54 am
That's why we're very careful the kids shouldn't see us hugging, kissing or sleeping together. They've got no mouth filter, They will repeat.
Embarrassing moment: I fell outside of my kids Yeshiva. I tripped in black ice during their recess time, the kids were laughing at me, singing: a mother fell!!
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Fri, Feb 08 2019, 2:03 am
amother wrote: |
Embarrassing moment: I fell outside of my kids Yeshiva. I tripped in black ice during their recess time, the kids were laughing at me, singing: a mother fell!! |
The people who should be embarrassed are the hanhala and these children's parents.
This level of disrespect is horrifying. I would seriously consider pulling my kids out of a school whose students behaved this way.
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Fri, Feb 08 2019, 2:37 am
amother wrote: | That's why we're very careful the kids shouldn't see us hugging, kissing or sleeping together. They've got no mouth filter, They will repeat.
Embarrassing moment: I fell outside of my kids Yeshiva. I tripped in black ice during their recess time, the kids were laughing at me, singing: a mother fell!! |
Oh my goodness! I can't imagine my kids' friends doing this! The schools I send my children to emphasize good middot. They would never tolerate this. The teacher/principal would seriously reprimand kids who did this.
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little neshamala

Fri, Feb 08 2019, 8:01 am
Last edited by little neshamala on Fri, Feb 08 2019, 8:05 am; edited 1 time in total
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little neshamala

Fri, Feb 08 2019, 8:04 am
amother wrote: | That's why we're very careful the kids shouldn't see us hugging, kissing or sleeping together. They've got no mouth filter, They will repeat.
Funnily enough, thats actually somwthing we are happy for our kids to see. Its a Jewish thing for a husband and wife to love each other and I have no problem at all with my kid repeating to someone that her parents hug etc. All healthy relationships do that, whats the reason for the embarassment?
(Im right wing yeshivish,.and actually discussed the whole hugging kissing in front of kids thing with our Rav...he said its good for them to see a basic kiss and hugging etc because they should know the parents love each other and have a deeper relationship.)
My 3 year old was once asked by his ultra yeshivish grandmother, on video for the rest of the ultra yeshivish family, what makes him happy. He said "when I climb into bed in the morning to sleep with mommy and daddy". It got a good chuckle out of everyone, but there was no embarassment. The great grandfather who saw it beamed. Thats it.
Its like your 5 year old picking up her shirt to nurse her baby doll "like mommy". A bit of a chuckle maybe a bit uncomfortable, but you did nothing wrong by letting her understand how you feed the baby, and its not an embarassing thing that you did. Its the normal natural way of the world for mothers to nurse babies. And foru husbands and wives to hug and kiss
Last edited by little neshamala on Fri, Feb 08 2019, 8:11 am; edited 1 time in total
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Fri, Feb 08 2019, 8:09 am
At the Shabbos table crowded with assorted guests, I asked my then 4 year old son, in a quiet voice, to please use his fork and not lick his fingers. In a loud, ringing voice, 4 year old answered: But mommy, when your baking Abba usually sneaks up behind you and tickles you and licks batter off your fingers! The whole table burst out laughing...
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little neshamala

Fri, Feb 08 2019, 8:12 am
DVOM wrote: | At the Shabbos table crowded with assorted guests, I asked my then 4 year old son, in a quiet voice, to please use his fork and not lick his fingers. In a loud, ringing voice, 4 year old answered: But mommy, when your baking Abba usually sneaks up behind you and tickles you and licks batter off your fingers! The whole table burst out laughing... |
Oh my gosh I love this
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Fri, Feb 08 2019, 8:19 am
The chesed girl was not out of line, shes probably a young teen that didnt know how to react.
OP, as a rule a thumb, if you don't wany your kids repeating it, don't do whatever it is you dont want your kids repeating in front of them.
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Fri, Feb 08 2019, 8:22 am
amother wrote: | The chesed girl was not out of line, shes probably a young teen that didnt know how to react.
OP, as a rule a thumb, if you don't wany your kids repeating it, don't do whatever it is you dont want your kids repeating in front of them. |
You are right. That wasn't the right phrase. I just meant she should have let it go, but was too young to realize. Thanks for correcting me, and my apologies to the chesed girl, wherever she may be.
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Fri, Feb 08 2019, 8:23 am
DVOM wrote: | At the Shabbos table crowded with assorted guests, I asked my then 4 year old son, in a quiet voice, to please use his fork and not lick his fingers. In a loud, ringing voice, 4 year old answered: But mommy, when your baking Abba usually sneaks up behind you and tickles you and licks batter off your fingers! The whole table burst out laughing... |
Love this!!!!
This is appropriate marital behavior and I think it’s great that your son sees you guys having fun.
DH and I believe in showing appropriate affection, as well. We hug in front of our kids, we have family dance parties, and we will give each other a peck on the cheek. All normal behavior that shows we love each other.
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Tue, Feb 12 2019, 4:00 pm
amother wrote: | That's why we're very careful the kids shouldn't see us hugging, kissing or sleeping together. They've got no mouth filter, They will repeat. |
They can proclaim it in the streets of Ashkelon (Shmuel bet 1:20) or even Jerusalem for all I care.
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Tue, Feb 12 2019, 4:23 pm
My parents live in Brooklyn. Years ago when there was a snowstorm, my dad bought home some colleagues for dinner that couldn't get home. The non jews in the neighborhood used to write curse words on the cars. In middle of dinner my little brother called out "totty what does "F" mean???? There was total silence for afew seconds......
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Tue, Feb 12 2019, 6:11 pm
We were in Target and while passing the underwear section, my five year old pointed at the bras and asked me (very loudly) " ma, why don't you get any colorful ones of those?". Lol, I'm the boring beige mom !!!!
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