I think its funny how much everyone is over examining the story with Ruchami and Chanina. First of all, in that community, I am MORE THAN 100% sure that Ruchami knows NOTHING about what it really means to be married. She is still in school and has learned nothing yet about relations and mikvah. Weather CHanina knows anything or not, he is a shy boy and I dont think in those circles he would start talking to her about it all.
So yes, the story line is extremely unrealistic, but so are most of the stories there.
Kiva and Hadasa? That was is beyond unrealistic. And Shulem and Menucha? They never left the door open. ever.
But thats what makes this show so great. Its unrealistic but wonderful too.
Shulem did leave the door open a crack when he went into her house to eat ice cream, but what's up with Menucha touching Shulem when he fell? Besides helping him off the floor, she repositioned his foot for him. That would never happen in real Chareidi life. And Akiva asking Hadassah if he could draw a picture of her would never happen either. Totally unrealistic (but lots of fun).
I think the Akiva/Hadassa storyline is realistic for a guy who's going to end up EX Chareidi. I know some guys like him. Maybe the story is going in that direction (unless the reappearance of Libby pulls him back)
I am so glad he broke up with Menucha.
I really liked the bubbe! I am sad they killed her character, but maybe she will be appearing in flashbacks or as a ghost like they did with others.
We haven't seen that other artist's parents yet, I think there might be something hidden there.
omg omg omg
So I binge-watched the second season over the past couple of weeks, never clicking on this thread because I thought there was a third season that you were all watching. I guess I'm all caught up then...
Was totally bawling when Rebbetzin Eberlich died...laughed out loud when Ruchami got married...but yes, it's past the point of funny. And just when you think they should divorce because he totally just up and left her, they're all romantic over the phone....Ruchami is a great character- on the one hand, a total feminist and her mom's biggest ally, but she has her naive, immature moments.
Glad Shulem dumped Menucha. Was horrified by the video predator. (Are there people who actually do that in real life??) Kiveh's relationship with Haddasah is not as cute as his relationship with Leeby (even though the whole cousin thing is kinda-ish disturbing, but I'm over it).
Random question: Kiveh's group of friends in Anshin: Is it normal for men of totally different stripes to hang out like that in Geulah? Also, was that the last episode of Season 2, or will there be more?
Speaking of the guys hanging out, I think it's cute in the show to have the buddies to hang out with, but it makes me wonder if they are all bums. Does anyone learn or work there in this show? Then I ask myself whether Akiva is a bum or what is up with him. Does he have a chevrusa/Rebbe? He doesn't seem to learn. I don't know. Just thinking about it.
Akiva had a job - he was a rebbi in a cheder, but in one scene, Menucha says he quit to focus on his art.
Shulem and Nochum learn all the time, but you never see Akiva learning. On the other hand, you never see him daven either but he was really upset at himself for forgetting to put on tefillin.
Actually, can we discuss that tefillin scene? When was he planning on putting on tefillin that day? Why does he act like it's Hadassah's fault? He should've davened in the morning.
Akiva had a job - he was a rebbi in a cheder, but in one scene, Menucha says he quit to focus on his art.
Shulem and Nochum learn all the time, but you never see Akiva learning. On the other hand, you never see him daven either but he was really upset at himself for forgetting to put on tefillin.
Actually, can we discuss that tefillin scene? When was he planning on putting on tefillin that day? Why does he act like it's Hadassah's fault? He should've davened in the morning.
I think that because he was awakened in the am and told not to sleep in his studio, he forgot to daven. When Hadassah offered him a place to sleep, I think he knew he should have said no. Instead he was there the whole day and into the night, only realizing at night that he hadn't davened that morning (or presumably mincha either). I don't necessarily think he was blaming Hadassah, but rather realized that he was not where he was supposed to be and he messed up. So he went home.