-> Recipe Collection
-> Chicken/ Turkey
How do you make your roast chicken?
Full chicken, stuffed |
0% |
[ 0 ] |
Full chicken, no stuffing |
28% |
[ 8 ] |
Chicken pieces, skin on |
57% |
[ 16 ] |
Chicken pieces, skin off |
14% |
[ 4 ] |
Total Votes : 28 |
Mrs Bissli

Fri, Jun 04 2010, 10:14 am
Just curious what other people do. I tend to make just pieces, no skin on, 'cuz my oven has a fan which dries up chicken unless covered loosely and I can't make crispy-skin. I'm actually debating whether it's more economical to get the whole chicken though 1) it's a bit of a hassle to carve, and 2) the whole chicken is a bit too much if we're eating by ourselves.
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Fri, Jun 04 2010, 10:22 am
I always cook chicken with the skin off because I don't want the extra fat. I usually buy packs of thighs, because I find they are a good serving size, but that's if you don't have anyone who likes white meat better. To roast chicken, I usually just cut up some onion, sweet potatoes and potatoes and put them on the bottom of the pan. Then I put the chicken on top, sprinkle with plenty of garlic powder, pepper, a bit of salt and then I will drizzle a mixture of honey, hot water and olive oil over all of it. Last I sprinkle some paprika and roast everything in the oven, uncovered for about an hour (or however long it takes to be cooked through). It's delicious!
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Fri, Jun 04 2010, 1:14 pm
I also take the skin off because of the extra fat. If I would leave it on, my dd will eat it and I don't want her to. As far as using a whole chicken, we don't like the top, so it would be a complete waste to roast a whole chicken.
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Fri, Jun 04 2010, 1:16 pm
If I leave the skin off, I find it dry.
But I'm evil cuz I like to eat the skin
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Fri, Jun 04 2010, 1:58 pm
I found this recipe from Estee Kafra's Spice It Right cookbook. It's meant for a whole chicken, but I use it for chicken bottoms. It's delicious, and not dry at all.
Whole chicken for roasting, approx 3 lbs
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 cloves garlic, whole
1 lemon, cunt into quarters
2 sprigs fresh rosemary
1 T olive oil
1 T lemon juice
Freshly ground or cracked black pepper
Preheat oven to 400 deg.
Wash chicken and pat dry. Smear minced garlic under its skin. Fill cavity of the chicken with the whole garlic cloves, lemon and rosemary.
Place chicken on a metal rack that has a drip tray underneath it and rub skin w/ olive oil and lemon juice. Sprinkle with pepper.
Roast, uncovered for 55 minutes.
BUT! I adapted it and just put minced garlic under chicken bottom's skin, sprinkle rosemary, lemon juice and olive oil over it and bake on 400 for 55 minutes. easy as pie.
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Fri, Jun 04 2010, 2:10 pm
We use chicken pieces with the skin on. (The dark chicken / bottoms, because we don't like white roasted chicken.)
I make sure to season both the bottom, the top, and under the skin as well. Then I roast it uncovered so the skin becomes crisp and pretty but the chicken itself stays nice and juicy.
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Fri, Jun 04 2010, 3:16 pm
I always make whole chickens (never stuffed). It always comes out so great and juicy. You get used to carving and it's not such a big deal and it's also easier to clean and put in the pan and tturn over and/or baste, so it kind of evens out in terms of level of difficulty. If a whole chicken is too big for you, you can try to get smaller ones (I think broilers are usually smaller than pullets) or you can buy cornish hen which is smaller - it's also more expensive but it is soooo delicious.
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chocolate moose

Fri, Jun 04 2010, 5:24 pm
I have tons of recipes posted here.
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Sat, Jun 05 2010, 7:06 pm
I usually do pieces of chicken, skinned if we're by ourselves, with skin on if we have guests.
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