-> Recipe Collection
-> Chicken/ Turkey

Fri, Mar 26 2010, 2:15 am
I need a recipe for a whole roasted turkey for Pesach.
We are BAD and eat EVERYTHING (except rice).
So bring it on people!
I need to cook this turkey!
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Fri, Mar 26 2010, 5:44 am
1 jar of ducksauce or apricot jam mixed with a bit of oil, garlic powder, black pepper and some paprika. Whisk it well (so it's almost like a home-made duck sauce)
Wash the turkey (inside and out) and pat dry. Set into a pan and carefully separate the skin from the 'meat', but keep the skin on. The take a handful (or spoonful) of the sauce and shmear it over the 'meat', under the skin. Shmear the neck and the wings and then pour the rest on the outside. (I do it this way because I don't serve my turkey with the skin on. By cooking the sauce between the skin and the meat, the flavoring gets cooked into the turkey).
Pour about 750 ml of orange juice into the bottom of the pan, seal with aluminum foil and cook at 350 degrees F. (I cook a 7.25 kilo turkey, that's about 16 lbs for 3 hours or so). The last 15 minutes I cook it uncovered so it gets brown on the outside.
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Fri, Mar 26 2010, 10:38 am
I made my 7.5 kg turkey last night the same way I always make it: I made a paste of olive oil, paprika, black pepper and salt and rubbed it on and in the turkey. I stuffed the cavity with cloves from a whole head of garlic and also tiny potatoes (which didn't cook through so needed more roasting afterwards at a higher temp) and let that turkey roast at 325 for about 3.5-4 hours, uncovered. I now have foil pans full of turkey, waiting to be eaten on Pesach. The potatoes we'll eat tomorrow (we're KLP already).
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Fri, Mar 26 2010, 11:10 am
Nana's Turkey Recipe
Clean and dry turkey.
Chop carrots, celery and onion and place in bottom of pan. Add garlic powder, salt, pepper and paprika.
In a frying pan, sautee chopped onion and celery in olive oil until soft. Add matzo farfel or wet, crumbled matzo to pan to dry. Season with salt, pepper, garlic and paprika. Stuff turkey and tie legs.
Season turkey with salt, pepper, garlic and paprika. Place in pan, breast side down. Pour about 1 cup orange juice over turkey. Cover loosely with foil *tent*
Bake at 325 degrees until done, basting occasionally.
Make gravy from drippings, using veggies to thicken.
Simple but delicious.
BTW, you're not *bad* for using *everything* I use everything that my rabbis approve of. Why shouldn't I?
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Fri, Mar 26 2010, 11:52 am
Thanks everyone...
And especially to you, barbara--for reminding me that we are all terrific no matter what!
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