-> Recipe Collection
-> Chicken/ Turkey

Thu, Sep 17 2009, 5:29 pm
What's your favorite recipe?
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Thu, Sep 17 2009, 6:32 pm
I often cook dark turkey in the crock pot with chunks of mush, onions, carrots, garlic cloves sweet potato, zucchini all cut up. I use olive oil, red cooking wine, water mixed with corn starch to make a thick sauce of it. Serve with quinoa or brown rice.
Disappears each time I make it.
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Thu, Sep 17 2009, 6:32 pm
I don't know if this will help you, but my white turkey roast just came out of the oven!
We only eat white meat, so I buy a boneless turkey breast, put in pan.
Put nice amount of duck sauce on top.
Sprinkle w/ garlic powder and a lot of paprika for color.
Bake 1-2 hours. When it cools I slice into thin slices w/ my electric meat knife.
The duck sauce melts into a great sauce that you can use to baste when re-heating so it stays moist.
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Thu, Sep 17 2009, 6:51 pm
Mix together 1 can of cranberry sauce (either whole berry or jellied -- to your taste) with one foil packet of onion soup mix (or around 3 Tbsp.). Spread over roast. Cook covered at 350 for 3 hours. Refrigerate and slice when cold. Reheat in pan juices.
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chocolate moose

Thu, Sep 17 2009, 7:09 pm
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red sea

Thu, Sep 17 2009, 11:31 pm
1 lg onion
1/2 garlic
1 C. ketchup
1C. apricot jam
bake wrapped (I use parchment paper then aluminum foil on top so it stays tight), turn it over 1 or 2 times during cooking.
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Mon, Sep 21 2009, 1:15 pm
make it simple with basic spices like garlic powder & black pepper & paprika and a little olive oil ... then work on a nice cranberry relish ... fresh cranberries boiled with brown sugar, lime, ginger, garlic cloves, some mango or madarin orange
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Sun, May 09 2010, 5:40 pm
OOTBubby wrote: | Mix together 1 can of cranberry sauce (either whole berry or jellied -- to your taste) with one foil packet of onion soup mix (or around 3 Tbsp.). Spread over roast. Cook covered at 350 for 3 hours. Refrigerate and slice when cold. Reheat in pan juices. |
Sounds great! I might try this. I was just searching for a recipe before starting a new thread.
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