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What is shlichus?

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Post Mon, Dec 27 2004, 1:56 pm
What does shlichus mean? who sends u? is it a salaried position? how long do u stay? what does the job entail?
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Post Mon, Dec 27 2004, 2:07 pm
AweSumThenSum wrote:
What does shlichus mean? who sends u? is it a salaried position? how long do u stay? what does the job entail?

shlichus literally means mission
the one who sends a person on a mission is called the mishalei'ach, the "sender"

within Lubavitch, these terms are used in the context of the Rebbe being the mishalei'ach

there are many different types of shlichus positions

if a chasid is hired by a school, or by another shliach to fill some position, or by a community to be their rav, he gets a salary (ditto for women, shluchos)

if a couple starts their own Chabad house and were not invited out by anybody, they raise their own funds

shlichus for married couples is usually taken longterm if not forever, though they may stay in a place a few yrs. if hired, and then move on to a different shlichus position

shlichus for single bachurim/girls is usually a year, sometimes months, sometimes just for yomim tovim, usually their expenses are covered, sometimes they're paid too like for running daycamps and sleepaway camps

depending on the position, the job will entail different things:

it might include hosting Shabbos guests, shiurim, running a pre-school or bigger school, holiday programs like High Holiday services, menorah lighting, Purim parties and megilla reading, Pesach sedarim, Lag B'Omer parades, summer camps, housecalls to put up mezuzos, kasher kitchens

and always fundraising

it might be campus shlichus, reaching out to university students with programs, Shabbos meals, minyanim, learning

it might be being rav of a shul, giving lectures, etc.

for a woman - being mikva lady, organizing women's shiurim, Rosh Chodesh parties, cooking for endless guests, teaching, counseling
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Rochel Leah


Post Mon, Dec 27 2004, 6:31 pm
Motek, I give you an A+ , you expalined it really well!! Smile
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Post Tue, Dec 28 2004, 6:55 pm
Smile thank you

I will add:

the general shlichus, over the decades, was to provide for Jews' material and spiritual needs, spiritual needs consisting of spreading knowledge of Judaism, mitzvos, and pnimiyus ha'Torah, I.e. Chasidus

in 5752, the last time the Rebbe addressed the Shluchim Convention, the Rebbe said that shlichus as we know it is over and that the sole remaining shlichus is to prepare l'kabel pnei Moshiach Tzidkeinu - to greet Moshiach, that the job of every shliach (and each one of us is a shliach) is to prepare himself, his household, and the people in his area to greet Moshiach

this doesn't mean that tefillin and kashrus etc. (all the things mentioned in my previous post) are ignored now, G-d forbid! But that all these things are now to be done in a way to prepare people for Moshiach.
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